michigan people

Talk about hostas, hostas, and more hostas! Companion plant topics should be posted in the Shade Garden forum.

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michigan people

Post by nmb »

I thought this had already been posted but i couldn't find it. So I'll post it again bring your own lunch and come and hang out with fellow hostaphiles and see what they're breeding.

Sunday, June 3rd is the first 2007 meeting of the Hosta Hybridizers Group. The meeting will feature a lecture by Dr. Sven Verlinden of Purdue University on layers within hosta leaves.

There will also be the group's annual Seedling Contest of 1st- and 2nd-year hosta seedlings and a breeding stock exchange (bring a hosta to receive a hosta). The meeting is open to all.

Feel free to contact me (or Doug Beilstein) for more information if interested.

--John Christensen

Spring Meeting & Seedling Contest/Breeding Stock Exchange

Date: June 3, 2007

Place: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Program: Dr. Sven Verlinden of Purdue University on layers in hosta leaves and how they affect leaf color/variegation

Annual HHG Seedling Contest (1st- & 2nd-yr seedlings)

Breeding Stock Exchange
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