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Post by rakenleafs »

ewwwwwwwwww LA LA
My secret trader Kathy (pepper1) Knows me well :D
She read my wish list and chose the best of the best.. I am so excited I can hardly breath... give me soil!!

She sent:
Lakeside Shoremaster
Lakeside Looking Glass
Lakeside Zinger
Dark Star
and my most wanted (first one ever to go on my list)...
Wylde Green Cream.

They all look great, are just a tad thirsy but taking a big gulp of Illinois country water right now. Thank you Kathy, best trade for me yet..

Thanks Roxanne for a well run trade.

And special thanks to Chris & Brian for giving us a wonderful forum in which to do our trades.

And I would also like to thank my Mother ............ :cool:
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Post by Roxanne »

I got my box on Saturday from grdnnkd! :P He sent me plants He picked up when he went to Savory's a week or two ago on a Hosta Road Trip! :cool:

I recieved: Sparkling Burgundy, Hertha, and Dutchess.....a mini I just love!! I also got a Let's Streak seedling that Brian himself grew from the Hallson's seed exchange 3 years ago!

Thanks Brian, for the nice selections! :P

I'd also like to thank everyone for their nice comments and praise for organizing the trade this year! :D
Things have been extremely stressed at our house the last month or so, and just reading through this thread was a huge pick-me-up!
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Post by digs57 »

I got mine last night! And it's a wonderful selection, thank you so much Sea Octapus!

My Secret Trader obviously took great care to send me some varieties that match my current infatuation with gold and gold with white edge varieties. So she sent me:

Golden Tusk - WoW :beer:
Gold Drop - :P
Moonlight - :D
and Lemon Lime - :D

A great collection, from large to small. They could so easily live together in a little family grouping! All lovely, healthy plants with great root systems, and beautifully packaged. I'm thrilled with them.

Now how's that for wish fulfillment!?! :D

Thank you, Sea Octapus, and thank you Roxanne for once again enabling this round robin. I love these swaps, they not only allow us to share what we have with each other, but to develop great long distance friendships.

Now, I must ask the forum to post me a pic of a mature Golden Tusk! :wink:

...greening up the Great White North!!!

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Post by twoblackdogs »

A BIG Thank you to Jo aka Hosta12_Ia !

I have so much stuff going on for work/personal this week the fact that hostas might arrive in the mail was way in the back of my mind...so a nice surprise to open the mailbox & find a box with (all new to me!)
1. Praying Hands :cool:
2. Yellow Submarine
3. Stolen Kiss
4. Whirlwind Tour (now crossed off my wish list!)
and a Heuchera Amber Waves which I didn't have either -

And a really cool personalized note pad with the 2 black dogs (perfect with the big/smaller dog since that's what I have) & my name !!!!

The plants are soaking up water in the kitchen so I can pot them tonight before our furnace blast of weather tomorrow.

Thank you Jo!

Thank you Roxanne for organizing! That was a fun way to get new additions to my garden!

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Post by Hosta12_Ia »

I am glad you liked your package Lela; and again, I am sorry I was late getting it out. And I love making personalized notepads! Glad you liked it.
Happy gardening.
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Post by SeaOctapus »

Yeah I'm glad you liked your Digs, wasn't sure what to get you!!

WOW to LisaO!!

I got mine today, so many goodies!! Plants, food and creams!! That's too much!!

Got Eliator, Gold Edger, Candy Hearts, Sea Dream and a SSedum, Lungwort Mrs Moon, Apple Blossom Iris, Spiderwort and Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells.

Wow I never expected so much stuff!! Big hugs to you!!

Thank you!!!
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Post by largosmom »

:o :o :o :o

Wow wow woW!

MollyD, I got TWO packages today, one from you and one from Chris. I received huge divisions of Gold Standard, All Gold, and one I've been drooling over for several weeks now, Heavenly Tiara! She also included EON markers for them. She also ordered me Pineapple Upside Down Cake AND Chris added a bonus of Illicit Affair! Thanks Chris too. :D :D :D Gold Standard is also one I've wanted for awhile but never got around to getting.

I'm smiling big time. I can't wait to get them into pots and into the garden. Thank so much.

I can't wait until my hostas are large enough to share bigger divisions, probably next year. This year I was limited to a couple of eyes as most of mine only have a few. I'm amazed at the size you were able to send. 8-) Actually, maybe next year I'll be able to share some seedlings, that would be cool too.

Thanks to Roxanne for organizing the trade, and to Molly and to Chris, you all made my day.

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Post by MollyD »

Glad you like them Laura! It was fun trying to decide which ones to send to you :D I had fun wandering around the nurseries thinking now what would she like. Now we both have Heavenly Tiaras (gorgeous little plants) and hopefully they'll increase fast for us!!
Sorry to be so late sending it. btw the markers were sprayed with clear acrylic so they shouldn't fade but just in case I wrote the names on the backs.

Happy gardening!

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Post by largosmom »

I could really tell you put a lot of thought into your selection!

Thank you again.

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Post by MollyD »

You're welcome and enjoy them in good health!

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Post by hostadad »

THE PACKAGE....THE PACKAGE....I SAW MY PACKAGE AT MY DOOR!!! :D Thank you ZZTOPSOIL! I really understand how everybody got so thrilled when they saw "the package". I opened that box so fast, (but gently), and read the most friendliest letter to me. You are so nice! I was very pleased with all eight hostas you sent me. You shipped them so well. I will take very good care of them.

They were:
Deane's dream
Fortunei albomarginata
Toy soldier
Golden prayers
Rhapsody in blue
Undulata albomarginata

Thank you again ZZ! :D :D

And thank you Roxanne for all your effort in bringing this secret trade to reality! Thank you Brian for this wonderful forum.

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Post by baja220 »

WooooooooHooooooooo!!!!! I got mine yesterday from Becky in TN!!! She sent me Grand Prize, Lakeside Blue Jeans, Lakeside Coal Miner, Pineapple Upside Down Cake,
Tiarella seedlings, and a Toadlily seedling, with a letter to explain where everything came from.
Thanks so much Becky!!! I love em all. They'll be in the ground sometime today!!!

Thanks Roxanne for hosting the Secret Swap!!!

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Post by Becky in TN »

Glad they arrived and that they were liked. Hope you enjoy them.

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Secret Trade Arrives

Post by Marlys »

This morning the mailman knocked on the door & left a box! I knew right away, my secret trade had arrived! And guess what, Wanda is my secret trader! :P My hands were actually trembling as I opened the box and unwrapped true treasures.

2 beautiful hosta were in the triange box: 'Bud is Wiser' & 'Crested Surf'. They were perfectly prepared & packaged, fresh as a spring without any signs of stress. Wonderful root systems on both! THANK YOU! so much, Wanda. I really love them both all ready. And thank you for including markers. that is realy helpful and kind.

It is interesting that 'Blue Mammoth' has become a real favorite in my garden. I love that plant. I bet 'Bud is Wiser' (sport of Blue Mammoth) will be knock my socks off in just a couple years. It is beautiful! What an awesome division you sent, Wanda. :D Thank you again!

I really love the rippled white margin on 'Crested Surf'. I'm into small plants. You sent 3 very healthy vigorous eyes. Thank you so much! Benedict plants are a favorite of mine along with O'Hara plants. I have a soft spot for Iowa hybridizers including Greg Johnson plants.

Thank you, Roxanne! It's so fun! :wink:

I'm off to search for the perfect spot for my new plants!

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Post by Wanda »

Marlys: You are most welcome! Gosh, I am so glad you like them. Just after I sent them off, had a horrible thought - what if they weren’t on your list because you didn’t want them...instead of you just didn’t have them yet. Eek!

Bud Is Wiser is the first “better” hosta I have dared divide...I just knew something bad would happen if I whacked one of them (and I can’t afford to replace any right now) but luckily not!!! Gives me hope I can manage a few others this year - I get so nervous when I only have one of a certain plant.

I think everyone should grow Crested Surf. I have quite a few piecrusted hosta, but this one is the only one with the piecrusting all the way down the petiole. And with the edge being white, it is very striking. My new favorite combo is Niagara Falls with a Peppermint Ice centered in front, with a Crested Surf on either side of the PI. Really nice!

Whew! So glad you weren’t disappointed!

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Post by scrappinmusicmommy »

WOWweeeeee! :bd:

A wonderful package arrived for me today.......(only one half day of school left!!) and I can't wait to plant the beautiful plants sent by hostamary. Thank you for the generous trade.

She saw how much I was interested in the wavy/pie crust varieties. She sent the folowing SIX :o :o !

Crested Surf
Sea Octopus (love the name!)

And two other varities!

I love them all. Your card and personal note were also appreciated. :D

Thank you, Mary.
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Post by Homer_Zn5 »

I have been so bad this year, as I usually try to get my trades out early . . . but I haven't done so yet!

HOWEVER, Patrushka sent me the MOST FANTASTIC box of hosta that I have ever laid my eyes upon. She has really paid attention, because every one of the hosta that she sent fall right into my weak spot--HUGE, bumpy, and wavy!

First, she sent me a MONSTER multi-eyed division of KOMODO DRAGON! Seriously, I did not know that you could ship hosta that big.

Next, I unwrapped a very neat hosta, a very large eye from a Niagra Falls seedling that Pat had started herself in 2004. It is going to be a fantastic hosta, and I have a special place just for that one.

Finally, I unwrapped a great division of Clifford's Forest Fire. Sagae is one of my favorites, and I broke down and bought Liberty last year. Getting Clifford's Forest Fire brings me one step closer to having most of the Sagae "offspring", and I know I will love them all.

Thank you so much, Pat! You are truly a gem! I have never seen such care put into packing hostas, and I can tell you that I have mine soaking in water right now, just waiting to go in the ground on Saturday.
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Post by hostamom »

I am so excited! Got my secret trade today, just in time for the mid-90 temps to go away and milder weather to arrive! DBoweMD was my AWSOME secret trader, and he sent me:
Lakeside Legal Tender
Tot Tot
Parky's Prize
Sweet Home Chicago
Lemon Delight
Amy Elizabeth
SIX wonderful hostas that I do not have, and all with tags. Thank you so much, Dave! I can't wait to get them in the ground. As always, this is so much fun.
A big thanks to Roxanne for making this possible!
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Post by LisaO »

Glad it showed up....have fun planting...
SeaOctapus wrote:Yeah I'm glad you liked your Digs, wasn't sure what to get you!!

WOW to LisaO!!

I got mine today, so many goodies!! Plants, food and creams!! That's too much!!

Got Eliator, Gold Edger, Candy Hearts, Sea Dream and a SSedum, Lungwort Mrs Moon, Apple Blossom Iris, Spiderwort and Chocolate Ruffles Coral Bells.

Wow I never expected so much stuff!! Big hugs to you!!

Thank you!!!
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Post by mlp »

We got our secret trade today!

My 3 year old grandson was here when I opened the box and he got all excited and started yelling "Leaves! Grandma, you got leaves!"

Our secret trader was Stephanie and she set a box stuffed full of all kinds of goodies. (Thank you, thank you thank you! How in the world did you get all that stuff in that box?)

She sent:
hosta Whiskey Sour
hosta Royal Flush
hosta Second Wind
3 different persicarias
red astilbe
lemon balm
purple Siberian iris
purple leaved violet
Japanese painted fern
early blooming red daylily
geranium Confetti
seeds for birdhouse gourds

Everything is soaking right now, and as soon as the grandkids leave I will go right out and start planting.

Thank you again Stephanie, and thank you to Roxanne, too. This is so much fun!

Greg and Marcia
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