Frustrating rain!!

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Frustrating rain!!

Post by Arlene »

For three days I've been hand watering hostas . . . roughing up the dry soil around the base and then trickle-watering so it soaks in instead of running off -- also young trees, perennials, and annuals

Yesterday afternoon -- thunder -- dark skies -- smell of rain in the air -- big wind -- and we watched a huge rainstorm go right down the middle of the lake, missing us entirely. I probably had 62 drops, max. :( Friends across the lake had a 25-minute absoute downpour.

SO frustrating to watch the rain pass by completely!

Maybe tomorrow.
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What rain?

Post by jobranch »

Until last Saturday, I thought I had forgotten what rain felt like. We scheduled a work day at church and I worked in at times a pouring rain. This week has been seen some rain, but Arlene, I know just what you mean...
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Post by Rookie_Green_Thumb »

We finally got a pretty good soaking last night. And I think it rained a little through the night. We have been in a severe drought since the middle of June, at least. Hubby and I almost did a happy dance at seeing the good rain coming down.

We seem to have the same problem with the rain just missing us. Drive 15 miles into town and the grass there is much greener. My grass has been a joke this year. :cry:
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Post by ademink »

We were supposed to get 2 days of rain but it never happened. yikes!
Help! I'm being held hostage!

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Post by Chris_W »

It has been over a month now since we had rain, and before that we went another month without rain. I think we have had a total of 3 or 4 heavy downpours throughout all of April, May, June, up to now. Each chance of rain just fizzles out and we get nothing.

2 weeks ago we watched it pour rain in the road while not a drop fell in the nursery or the growing areas. That was brutal :x

It is definitely time for us to run more water lines to make it easier to irrigate :???:
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Post by newtohosta-no more »

We did get some rain yesterday morning, but it was supposed to continue off and on through the day and into last night. The sun was out at 2pm and I didn't see anymore rain the rest of the day. Looks dry this morning too, but at least it's much much cooler. I'm thankful for what we got, but we are still way behind the normal rainfall and we could use some more. Sorry for all of you who are suffering out there, especially businesses like yours ,Chris. :(
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Post by MollyD »

Yesterday we got .10" out of a storm that was labelled as a severe thunderstorm. Like you Arlene and Chris we've been going through 3 to 4 weeks at a time without rain (or at least any significant amount). In the summers Paul works on a local lake running a weed harvester. I'm so tired of him telling me about storms pouring down on the lake or the shores and while none of it is reaching us :(
Watering my plants takes two hours if I don't deep water. Deep watering takes the better part of the day but with our well situation I can't do that. Of course if the well was full I wouldn't need to water at all since it would have rain a decent amount!

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Post by Canadian-hosta-girl »

:cry: guys i would gladly send you rain your way......we have had 2 days of very warm weather in 2 months here and the rest very little sunny days ,but alot of rain and most of the time heavy rain or t storms ,very very humid too, we keep seing in the news that USA have heat waves and we are hoping for at least a full week of warmer and sunny week here coming our way......your plants need water and ours need a rest of it and instead some sun from all the rain....i have snails the size of my tumbs here and baby snails all over the place :lol:
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Post by twoblackdogs »

Yes, we've had nothing really since Memorial Day. I have friends in other parts of the state telling me about the Tstorms that have dropped inches of rain where they are and nothing here.
Tuesday we assumed that the huge line of Tstorms coming accross Lake Michigan with the front would give us SOMETHING. Nope, Nada, Zero...a few sprinkles on the deck and that was it. We saw storms to the north/south, almost like there's a bowl over my house!!

On the plus side it's not 95+ anymore for at least a couple days and we have a well, so the water bill is mainly electricity to run the well.
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Post by baja220 »

I sure wish I could send you guys the rain we've been getting. There's been so little sun here all spring and summer that my gold hostas are green. But at least I'm not in one of the flooded homes with a little oil mixed in for good measure.
We're under a flash flood watch again today and from looking at the radar we'll have another 2-3" before noon. :cry:
And the slugs!!! OMG, they look like The Blob! :eek:
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