Spring Fling comparison photos!

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Spring Fling comparison photos!

Post by Minnow »

This is 2 phot0s of Spring Fling, one taken today, the other 2 years ago. I didn't get one last year because of the Easter Fiasco! :evil: :cry: All of you remember that I am sure!
Her is today photo!  There is a big difference in size!
Her is today photo! There is a big difference in size!
Spring Fling in 2006
Spring Fling in 2006

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Post by hostanquilts »

Did she shrink or is she just not filled out completely?

I went to Alaska last year; left June 30th & returned Sept. 9th, so the only water my plants got is what mother nature rained down. some of my hosta that were huge the year before looked like they had shrunk. I know that Antioch, Fragrant Bouquet, Sum & Substance were 3 that were significantly smaller last fall. I'm waiting to see what they will look like this year. I'm going to get some osmacote & put on them next week & the wait a couple weeks & spray them with miracle grow to try to give them a boost. there were other hosta that were smaller too, but don't recall them right off hand.

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Post by Roxanne »

Beth, I have some coming up right now that got zapped last year as well. Smaller eyes, but actually your SF looks good. It will rebound nicely from the looks of it! :P
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Just to make you feel better

Post by addieotto »

Just to make you feel better about what you've got left ... Here's my Spring Fling from May 07:


and - swear on my streaked hostas - here's the same Spring Fling from May 08 (potted up for obvious reasons):

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Post by baja220 »

Oh wow Sue!!! I've had that happen to about 15 hostas this year. A few had nothing left to pot up. Was some of your Spring Fling rotted? Mine were, what's goin on?
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Post by addieotto »

Debbie, it was hard to tell if the Spring Fling crown and root ball was rotted or just dead and decomposing. This wasn't my only casualty. My Jewel of the Nile is no longer a jewel ... she's a single tiny eye with three leaves :cry: and a few haven't even made an appearance yet.

I suspect that a lot of my damage was a result of the end of year drought. I had given my previous employer three months notice of my resignation with August 27th being my last day. By August I was working so much trying to get ready to leave that I missed essential watering and weeding chores. :-? I'm paying for it big time this year with shrunken plants and weed seeds sprouting in every nook and cranny. :roll:

I've also had moles or voles move in by the boatload. Things are not looking good this year. :x

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