Not Pic of the Day 6-11-08 Can we talk?

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Not Pic of the Day 6-11-08 Can we talk?

Post by jgh »

I was recently showing a friend and his partner around the garden. As is true of most couples who tour the garden, one rapidly finds the way to a comfortable chair on the deck with a cold beverage while the gardener-half of the couple spends an hour or two wandering from hosta to hosta.

Ron is catching the hosta fever, so I showed him how you can plant hostas together that have something in common. I showed him some of the themes... family groups, of course... the food-named hostas... the music hostas... Star Trek, movies... minis, giants...

Then he said with a twinkle "Bet you don't have gay hostas!" He suggested that gay people are probably attracted to gardening in about the same ratio as gay/straight homeowners, but they are underserved in hosta names.

It took only a moment to come up with Gay Feather and Gay Blade, but then I was stuck... neither is a particularly great hosta. GF is ok in the spring, but viridescent... and GB is ok, but nothing too special. I wanted to come up with a "wow" gay-themed hosta.

I finally came up with a favorite - Fire Island. Fire Island is a real place... a barrier island on the Atlantic-side of Long Island in New York State. It has long been known as a summer resort getaway for New Yorkers. You've seen it in movies. The "post office" scene in Men in Black II was filmed at the Fire Island Lighthouse. The most famous movie was probably the 1969 teen-coming-of-sexual-age flick, Last Summer. It featured a young Barbara Hersey and a very not-Johnboy-Walton-like Richard Thomas. Judas Priest recorded a song about Fire Island.

The "what happens on Fire Island stays on Fire Island" attitude over the years made it a popular gay-lesbian beach getaway. Get out your LP of the debut Village People album and you'll find a song Fire Island.

So... I'm sure people will be able to give me more ideas to include in this hosta theme, but in the meantime...

Fire Island is a darn nice hosta! I have one near the entrance to my gardens, and in the spring it is like a beacon. It emerges bright yellow and has nice red - some people call it - purple petioles. It becomes more chartreuse in the summer.

It was registered by Brinka in 1998 as a H. longipes hypoglauca X ‘Crested Surf’ cross. I've found no reference to how it got its name. For that matter, there is no clear answer as to how Fire Island, the island, got its name. Best guess is that the bright colors inspired a fire name.




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Post by newtohosta-no more »

Such wonderful pics of a gorgeous hosta! And, Jim, as always.....yours posts are always interesting and a pleasure to read. :wink: :D
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Post by party_music50 »

That is a beautiful hosta! and great pics!
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Post by loisf »

Jim, Fire Island is beautiful. I remember seeing it when visiting your gardens last week. Thanks for your NHOTD series. The episodes are always entertaining and enlightening. Lois
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Post by Tigger »

Jim owns the debut LP by the Village People? :eek: Let's hope that was a google search result.

Actually, we like 'Gay Blade'. Not spectacular (go figure), but it grows really well and is fairly recognizable (low mound, coloration similar to 'Sagae' or 'Regal Splendor'). Nice blooms. We regularly provide divisions to our friends—they'll never forget the name.

'Fire Island' is certainly a top 20 fave. A funky feature is the way the bloom scapes come up. Hard to describe. 'Designer Genes' (the convention plant from 2006) is similar, but is developing some leaf texture with age where FI stays pretty smooth.

And as 'Fire Island' qualifies for a gay-themed hosta bed, then of course there is 'Key West'. Then we can have more fun. Kent Terpening's 'Dancing Queen', anyone? Pity that none of the 'Abba' hostas really resonates, but there is also 'Mama Mia'. There is 'Advocate' (the gay/lesbian news and entertainment magazine), and 'Blue Boy' (um, another kind of entertainment magazine).

There is 'Boyz Toy' (which would be gayer as Boy Toyz). 'Fantabulous'! (which really should have an exclamation point), 'Flamboyant' and 'Feather Boa' (along with—face it—any Tiara!)

But please, no 'Fire and Brimstone'!
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Post by thy »

:roll: David :lol:

So sad i can't grow Fire Island one reason or an other :cry:

Gay Search is one of my favorites... sort of a Krossa Regal with a tad different color and a slight margin
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Post by jgh »

Well, Tigger... I was going to include Feather Boa... but that stereotype was shattered by a feather boa-wearing, flagrantly heterosexual, ex-professional wrestler who we elected governor of our fine state of Minnesota.
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Post by nanny_56 »

This took a turn I hadn't expected... uhm...Fire Island has been on and off my list a couple of times. I really love that color combination, and yours is spectacular!
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Post by fenceberry »

I have a gay themed bed and it includes:
Gay Blade,
Gay Search,
Gay Feather,
Fire Island,
Fairy Frolic,

Harvest Dandy,
Twinkle Toes,
Fran & Jan,
(the only ladies represented in the group),
Stonewall, (site of the 1969 riots that led to the modern gay liberation movement),
Gala, (stands for the Gay Lesbian Association of Choruses, they hold a two week festival every four years called GALA CHORUS FESTIVAL. This year it is being held in Miami)
and of course
Gilt By Association
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Post by addieotto »

Late to the party but halfway through reading your post I was raising my hand saying oooh oooh, Fire Island, Fire Island!!

Dancing Queen always makes that song go through my head. Looking at it is like switching a radio on... same with Unforgettable.

I have yet to create any themed beds. I just group 'em by looks. If I did, I think I might work on animal themed ones...hmmm. 8-)
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