INVITATION: Hallson Garden Party/Tour..UPDATED INFO

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Post by renaldo75 »

I had a wonderful day today at the 4 gardens!! :D So many good friends & beautiful hostas, and such delicious food. Jimmy Mac & Lois, Jeff/allnitro, Roxanne, Jackie/hostaaddict & her friend [also named Jackie], Eve [friend & neighbor of Trudy], Jo/hosta12, Sue/suedia, me, Connie, David & Betsy, Ron & Marlys, and Bruce & Trudy. [I hope I didn't forget anybody, but I was falling asleep at the keyboard just a few minutes ago.]

I came home with a bunch of new hostas from the drawing. I got Blaze of Glory in round 1, a whole flat of Trudy's seedlings in round 2, and after swapping with Roxanne after we both had picked in round 3, Mack the Knife. And then Connie gave me one of Jeff's seedlings. And Jimmy Mac gave me a HUGE seedling of his & Rod's that he wants me to register & name. :o And then we went hosta~shopping in Trudy's growing area and I got 3 more hostas [Frosted Dimples, Praying Hands, & Crepe Soul] along with a fern & a heuchera. And I'd picked up Peacock Strut & Designer Genes from Gary & Kathy this morning. [I put DG into the swap so I guess I'd better get another one of it.] :wink: And and and then I went back over to Marlys' garden cuz she wanted to show me some of her sports, and she gave me a division of Taffeta. And and and the ROHS auction is tomorrow, but it sure won't matter if I don't get any winning bids.

I had SO much fun today!! :cool: 8-) :cool: In case you couldn't tell. :wink:

Renaldo's Hosta List
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Post by Linda P »

So sorry I missed it! I did have a good day yesterday, but all through the day I was thinking of all the hosta fun you were having! Today I'm going to the MVHS hosta walk, so I will get a hosta fix this weekend. I had an opportunity to share my garden with a friend yesterday, and she went home with a carload of hostas, so the weekend wasn't a total loss. And yes, I went to see my nephew married and celebrated at the reception. It was a beautiful wedding. Instead of big bouquets of flowers, they had potted plants!
Can't wait for pictures of the get-together, and also the ROHS tour!
Linda P
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Hallson Reunion - Iowa

Post by Marlys »


Thank you so much for hosting the Hallson Reunion for all of us. What a great day! So good to see hosta friends again & meet Roxanne's husband.

As Reldon said the food was wonderful!!! And yes, all the gardens were wonderful. The weather was wonderful except for the darn wind.

And the plant exchange was really fun!!! I got to choose a whole tray of beautiful streaked sdlgs from Jeff 'AllNitro' in the first round, second round, hosta 'Eskimo Pie' & 'Raspberry Sorbet', third round.

Sue D brought me lots of sedums & a little hosta 'Dew Drop'. How special!!! Hosta Friends are the BEST!!!!

Jackie & Jackie were so fun together.

Wish we all could get together more often. I feel blessed with such good people for friends. If only Linda P & Josh could have been with us, the day would have been perfect!

I'm looking forward to next year all ready.

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Post by SUEDIA »

I agree it was a great day visiting wonderful friends and their hostas gardens :cool: I thought I had died and gone to hosta heaven, hope that's what it will be like. I came home to my two hosta beds and thought I have allot to learn and do. The rolling greenhouse of Jo's/Hosta12_IA, made it home. Marlys and Connie we now know why you needed a uhaul trailer when you went on your Iowa hosta shopping trip. Marlys, yes she is marvelous Marlys, gave me Regalia which will be put in a very special place with the other ones of hers that I picked in the trading. I picked Diane Gray Dalton and in the second round, nobody must have seen it I picked Imperial Moth. Two wonderfull streaked ones and Regalia, WOW I am on a hosta high. They will have the very specialist place on our farm, from the very best hosta friend a girl could have.
Connies place is a farm girls hosta heaven with rustic added things added in. I wish I had her design talent. Trudy has a wonderful place and we had such good food there. David's place has wonderful hostas also. What can a trying hosta grower say when she was at the cream of the crops hosta gardens. Trudy thanks so much for having us for a really great day of friendship, I think it is just what the doctor would order. We all needed a day of sunshine after all of the destruction this year that has taken place in the state of Iowa.
Take Care,
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Post by hostaaddict »

Yes, it was a great Hosta Day with wonderful old friends. I too came home with a large Regalia, Whiskey Sour and a Lakeside Rocky Top from the exchange. The gardens were all lovely as always. These gals really know how to plant and maintain perfect gardens. The work and love they put into theirs is amazing. I have visited them all often, and wish all of you that have never been to Pella could have the opportunity to see their places. The lunch was delicious! Thank you Trudy for your wonderful hospitality! She had the most amazing spiced meat sandwiches. Thank's for the recipe. Marlys, I so appreciate your thoughtfulness. I will treasure your gift. My friend Jackie (we call ourselves Jackie East and Jackie West as we are a few houses apart here at the lake) had a wonderful time and also extends her thanks! It was just so nice to get together again.
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Post by LucyGoose »

Wow......I too, was thinking of you all, while DH & I were here, on a windy day, too.....going through the Parade of Homes here...... :lol: Sounds like you guys did good.....I will wait for the pictures.....Maybe next year we can come.....
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Post by Trudy »

Saturday.......was a great day........spent with wonderful hosta freinds, hosta seed growing freinds, great food (we have some wonderful cooks on this fourm), splendid weather...and hostas galore!

What more can be said that hasnt already been said in previous post...that it would of been more perfect if "everyone" from Hallsons forum could of spent the day with us :):):)

Everyone's gardens were breath taking. I know that Connie, Ron/Marlys and David/Betsy all worked so hard to make the gardens beautiful for the guest. I want to thank all of them for all the hard work they did to make this event the fun day that it was. We all enjoy sharing our gardens with others.
The best thing about having a tour, is....we now get to enjoy our well tended gardens the rest of the summer!

It was so nice yesterday just to walk around and just enjoy the garden.....we had a very lazy day just taking in the joys of nature.

In the plant swap Bruce picked out Jimmy Macs seedling he brought, its a seedling of Rod's that has lineage of Dorothy Benedict-it's huge:) and a streaked seedling of "allnito" that I forgot to ask what its from, and Lakeside Spellbinder. Lois got Atlantis in the trade and they all ready have one, so she shared that plant with us also. All beautiful plants.

What more can I say than it was a great day spent with hosta friends.

Hopefully next year, even more forum members can attend, its an event you dont want to miss :):):)

Now wishing that we could go the BIG Hallson Even at Chris's :):):)
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Post by Trudy »

Roxanne has offered to have the Get Together at her house next year :D :D :D

The Italian Beef Sandwich recipe is posted on the recipe forum. Enjoy.
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Next Year

Post by Marlys »

Trudy - I too would love to get to go to Chris & Brian's 'Hallson Gardens'. I emailed Chris once & told him not to be surprised if Connie & I drove onto his yard one day!

I almost have hosta-overload with the Hallson party Saturday, then ROHS summer garden tours, lunch, & fabulous plant auction on Sunday. There were hundreds of plants, some not offered any where else on earth. Oh, my goodness - How Fun!!! I dreamed of hostas all night long last night.

Sue D - I remember my Sunday School lessons so well. It is more blessed to give than it is to receive :D I love sharing my plants with good people who will love them & take good care of them. You are a dear hosta friend.

Hosta Jo - I love your dippy thing so much, could you send me your recipe or better yet post it with Trudy's recipe on the Recipe Forum. I have never looked at it before but think I should.

Ron swears I haven't cooked for weeks while we were getting ready for our tour. I took him out for Chinese Friday night!

AND - Jo, I so wanted to make sure to show you my wonderful hosta 'Risky Business' that you sent me the beginning of in a Secret Trade. It is a beauty & a favorite in my garden. I hope you saw it! If you're like me, you don't remember what you have given as much as what you have gotten from others.

Jackie / hostaaddict / friend - you are a wonderful friend. I am so glad that the other-Jackie could come & bring you to be with us!

Roxanne!!! Thank you for wanting to have us all next year! I'm excited! Let me know the date as soon as you can so I can try to make sure I can get the weekend off work.

Linda P - see you in just a few days!!! - Can't wait :wink:

Thank you all again for a wonderful time with wonderful hosta friends.

Jimmy & Lois - You 2 are the best!

And my other neighbors, David & Betsy, thank you for opening your gardens for us. I love your yard.

Connie, Your garden is so 'Connie', I love it & I love you, girl friend!!

Jeff, I bet one of your little streaked plants that are now mine, will grow up to give DB a run for the money. :lol:

And Eve was such a good sport in the middle of all of us, as Josh would say, "Hosta Nuts" 8-)

Great Day!!! - Hopefully more friends will be able to make it to Roxanne's place next year :bd:

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Post by JoshS »

Sounds like everyone had a great time...sorry I wasn't there :( Someday I will make it down to see the Pella gardens! I hope someone took pictures!?

I look forward to seeing everyone next week in Chicago!
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Post by ConnieD »

It was wonderful being with all my hosta friends and sharing my garden with you. I don't know where I am going to put all the new hostas, but I love them and I know I will find a spot somewhere even though I swear I am not making any new beds.
I will post the Crunchy Coleslaw recipe so everyone can have it.
Thanks for the great company, hostas and food. I loved every minute of it.
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Post by Hosta12_Ia »

Sorry I hadn't posted until now. I REALLY enjoyed Saturday with FUN hosta friends, good food and the fun of sharing hostas! Thank you to everyone who shared their beautiful gardens with us! (Sue and I decided we had a LONG way to go to get ours looking like them). I SOOOOO needed the break and I have always wanted to get to Pella to see the wonderful gardens I had been hearing about. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
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Post by Roxanne »

What a great day it was!! I arrived late as usual, so everyone was already off to visit Connie's garden, but I knew where she lived so I went to Trudy's first to unload trade Hostas, etc., and caught up with everyone a half hour later. :P

Connie, I just love how quaint your garden is, with all the country accents. Dale thought it was pretty cool, too, and believe me....that is a hugh compliment. :P

Marlys, your place was great, with that awesome guest house, and the ponds....not to mention all your pristine Hostas.

Dave and Betsy's place was wonderful with very different rocks I had never seen the likes of before, and of course all the Hostas were very well grown.

Trudy's gardens were awesome as well, with tons of "extras" tucked in here and there.
Trudy has a special knack for growing from seed, and she has gobs of cool seedlings to show from it.

I didn't see nary a weed in any of the gardens, so I know you guys busted your butts to put on a great show, and I really was impressed! (you ought to see my beds right now... :roll: )

The food was wonderful. Thanks Trudy and Connie for the recipes. I am making both this Friday for a 4th of July party we are having here.

It was great seeing everyone again, and I can't wait to host next year!! I am figuring out when to have it now, and I'll post here again later on.
taken at Dave's garden
taken at Dave's garden
Jeff, Connie, Lois, Trudy
Jeff, Connie, Lois, Trudy
Marlys Garden shot.jpg
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Post by Chris_W »

Sounds like a wonderful time :D And wow, look at all those seedlings!

We are getting so excited for the event here too and wish we were closer to some of you. I swear if I had someone who could take over for me for one day I would love to drive out and see you all myself. If you held something like this on a Wednesday or Thursday where I could sneak away I really might consider it ;)

Any more pictures to see? :D
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Post by Trudy »

Chris....come on down, south that is. We would love to have you visit the gardens anytime that would work for you.

We understand how tied down you and Brian are, when you have a business that is open on weekends.

We all need to say thanks to you, because if it wasnt for you sponsoring the Hallson Forums, we wouldnt be having these Get Togethers and meeting new and old hosta friends.

I for one have learned so much more about hostas by reading all the valuable information on the Hallson fourm. Also thank you for the research that you have done to help stop the spread of virus in hostas. You have done an outstanding job. It takes a lot of time and effort and money on your part.

A BIG THANK YOU......we do enjoy the forum.
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Post by renaldo75 »

I couldn't have said it better than Trudy just did. If it weren't for the Hallson forums, I wouldn't have the wonderful friends I have gained thru hostas & the forum.

Thank you, Chris & Brian!! :D

It was certainly a wonderful day!! I'm so glad I had it. Cuz the next day was not one that I want to remember. Although I doubt I ever forget it. :wink: The ROHS members know what I'm talking about. I didn't see any of the club tour gardens. Long story. But I did get to see everyone for lunch. I'm just glad that I got to see the beautiful Pella gardens the day before!! :D

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Post by SUEDIA »

Trudy, I couldn't have such wonderful hosta friends if it wasn't for you and Jackie that started me out here on this forum when we met sooo long ago in Vining, Ia. I just wished I would have known what to do with my clay soil earlier so I wouldn't have lost so many hostas to hard clay soil. Chris thank you for sharing all of your knowledge and telling us starting out hosta crazed people that some do die for no reason, but to watch for virus and to water, water, water.

Here I thought that Marlys was so neat she didn't let weeds grow in her garden. I was feeling so embarassed :oops: again for the time she and Connie stopped by and all I could see were the weeds, but those two thanked me for showing my hostas to them. I just didn't know what they had at home in their yards Monster Hostas :o
I went out and tried to pull every weed in the new hosta bed so it could grow to be like everyones in Pella.
Thanks again it was a great time and I smile everytime I think of the fun we had.
Sue D
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