Growing Hostas in Texas

Talk about hostas, hostas, and more hostas! Companion plant topics should be posted in the Shade Garden forum.

Moderators: ViolaAnn, redcrx, Chris_W

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USDA Zone: Zone 7
Location: Luther Oklahoma, Lat: 35* 35' 23.5284

Post by Ginger »

Hi Karen171! It is great to see another southerner on here!!! Welcome!

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Post by karen171 »

HI, Ginger! I love this forum! Looks like there are quite a few of us southerners. :D
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Gandhi
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Post by anniejo »

Hi everyone! I live in Austin and this is only my second year growing hostas. Both years have been a challenge with the first year a bunch of caterpillars stripped our trees so we had very little shade. You can imagine how much the hostas liked that. All of mine made it through the winter though and I have added about 15 more this year bringing my total to about 50. We had three spring storms that all had bad hail and they pretty much tore every hosta up. So while they are not as beautiful as they could be, I am not giving up! They are really trying hard - they have straggly leaves from the hail but they are blooming! They are Texas tough!
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Post by jobranch »

Hello from central Alabama where my hostas are right up the road from zone 8. I have several blues that keep their color until about now.
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Location: Luther Oklahoma, Lat: 35* 35' 23.5284

Post by Ginger »

Our hosta have to be tough :lol: :lol: I have really found mine do so much better in pots though. I can easily control the amount of direct sun which as you know is our enemy in the hot summer :evil: , and I can control the amount of water, plus no underground varmints can eat them :D
I do miss seeing them in the ground though, but the positives out weight the negatives for me. My hosta have all doubled in size since I potted them up, and although I will have to up pot most of them this year, it is alot easier than digging a big one out :o

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