Dividing now or next spring?

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Dividing now or next spring?

Post by rosey_posey »

A fellow hostaholic and I are making lists for a trade next year. I was wondering if there are any benefits to dividing plants now, or just wait until they start coming up next spring? Would there be better root development if I were to split them now and plant them in the ground for the winter? I'd like to give her the healthiest plants possible!

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Re: Dividing now or next spring?

Post by Chris_W »

Hi Rose,

Hostas are warm season growers, meaning they only put out new root growth during the warm months of June, July, and August. If you divide now, very few roots will form before fall cold sets in, and the divisions won't really start to take off again until next summer. Divide in spring and you will have almost the exact same roots and crowns as if you divided now, so no, there really isn't any advantage to dividing now vs. dividing in the spring when you are considering the roots. That doesn't mean I'm not still dividing, though. I'm very busy in the spring compared to now, so I'm just keeping the divisions I take now a little larger than the ones I do in July.

Hope that helps :D

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Re: Dividing now or next spring?

Post by rosey_posey »

Thanks! Yes, your answer helps alot. Saves me the added work this fall!
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