Potted Hostas

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Potted Hostas

Post by steg »

Can I get a little help here........ :D

OK, I've got several hostas I plan on leaving in pots for the winter. This is probably the best week for me to put them to bed.

Is it as simple as putting them in our outdoor shed for the winter? :hmm:

Should I water them at all before they are winterized?

I could put the pots outside on the ground and surround them with straw and leaves, then cover them with a dark plastic tarp? (although I'm not sure this would be good for the ceramic pots)

For the plastic pots (only a couple) I was thinking of digging a hole in the unused veggie garden area and just dropping them in pot and all. I have done this before.

Any input is really appreciated.
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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by redcrx »

I have a couple that are in plastic pots in the ground all the time - they are fine.

I don't think a storage shed would work - I think it would get too dry.
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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by Patrushka »

I have had mixed results overwintering in pots. I think a lot depends on the hosta. Some are just tougher than others. One year I left them on the driveway close to the garage. The ones that were shielded by the overhang survived. The ones that were not (someone moved them out a bit) died. The year I put them in the shed, I was a little late. They already had snow and ice in the pots. They were goners in the spring. I had one bare root in water that I stuck in the garage one year and forgot about. In the spring I found it. The water was gone but it had new eyes. My Hydon Sunset has been in a pot for years because it had nematodes. It sits outside and I have never tipped the pot. It comes back every year. Last year, I left the potted ones outside and tipped the pots on their sides. They all survived. I have three left this year. If I don't get them in the ground in the next few days, I'm going to leave them where they are and just tip the pots on their sides.

I would say no water unless they are terribly dry. You don't want them too wet. Good drainage is a must. Tipping the pots keeps all that excess moisture out.

Good Luck!
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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by Ginger »

OK, here is my two cents. If you don't have any way for the pots to drain, iE: no holes in bottom of pot, or permanent water resevoir, then you should keep them dry and put them in a shed, or barn or somewhere that moisture will not get in the pot and freeze or rot the plant. If you can leave them outside you can lay them on their side and cover with mulch or leaves or straw which works pretty well. If you have pots that drain, you can get away with leaving them up, and just cover with leaves, hay whatever you have handy. I would not suggest using a tarp or anything like that though. I put all my small pots in the center of a circle, then line up the big pots from medium to large all around them. I then cover with leaves making sure they are piled up well between the pots. Usually the leaves from the trees do the job for me when they fall naturally but sometimes I have put some hay around if it was going to get really cold like it did here last year.

Did I mention I grow my Hosta in pots?
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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by Tigger »

Storage in an unheated shed can work fine. However, recognize that any extended time above 40°C means that the hostas will need some water. I often solve this by putting a scoop of snow right on the pot. When it melts (i.e. the temps rise), the hosta gets water.

Beware that in the spring, the shed will heat up before the ground does, so your hostas may emerge early and need to be put somewhere they get light. (and then you have to protect the new growth from late frosts.)

This year, I made a small raised box holding pen that I'll fill with any unplanted nursery pots and fill/cover with shredded leaves. I'm calling it the procrastination planter.
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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by twoblackdogs »

Hi Mike -
For at least the last 10 years I've ended up with homeless hostas that haven't made their way from the pot to garden - this year is no exception!- I've just dug a holding bed in my woods, placed the pots there with the excess dirt around them and leaf mulch on top. No problems. I did a bunch of seedlings last year that way too. Being that we're seeing our first snow flakes of the season today, I guess I need to put this years excess to bed this weekend.

The plus side is if you really get itchy during winter, you can find one and bring it in to force!

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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by steg »

Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions....seems I had more in pots than I realize :???:

Trying a couple different things I guess.

22 in outdoor shed out of the elements. Mostly the clay pots here as I don't want them to freeze and crack.

Thanks for the reminder Tigger. These are the one's I'll probably worry the most about. I'll plan on moving them out in early spring and watching for frosty nights. I saved a number of political poster signs, the wire part, and can build a tent over any plants with the posts and an old blanket if frost is a concern.

--- Question: looks like 50-60 or so during the day and 30-40 or so at night - should I water in the shed?

20 on the ground, on their side and insulated with leftover hay from a halloween party.

7 or 8 were put in a hole, pot and all. Also covered with hay like above.

How am I doing? We'll hope for the best and have to watch in the spring.
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Re: Potted Hostas

Post by thy »

I do not know for your zone, but you have to take care of mice, I know they have damaged some members hostas during winther storage.. and if I remember correct, Chris have mentioned to give hostas a good watering before they freze.. some one may know for sure.
When temps are in the 40' and 60' they have to be humid
Here I can just leave them outside but I am in zone 7/8
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