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Garden Bench

Posted: Sep 08, 2007 11:14 pm
by JaneG
Hi! I just wanted to post a picture of the newest addition to my gardens.

This bench was a wedding gift from 3 dear friends. They know I love to garden and that since moving into David's place have a whole new place to garden in. They got it a couple months ago but we just got around to picking it up today.

The bench is concrete and can stay out all seasons. The curved seat sits atop the legs, 3 separate pieces.

This location is a bed I helped David put in a couple years ago, but has been VERY frustrating because it's under a red maple and there are poplars nearby. The ground is incredibly dry and the roots of the maple and poplars are VERY invasive. I have an engraved stone in this bed that says "CAUTION - Cranky Gardener", because this bed makes me cranky. But it's in a pretty part of the yard and has a nice view. So I figured if plants won't grow then it would be a good spot for the bench. The bench won't mind the dry ground or invasive roots! :lol:

I had some extra flagstone from previous projects, so I put them in two little paths to the bench.

Posted: Sep 09, 2007 12:25 am
by eastwood2007
How lovely!!!!

Posted: Sep 09, 2007 9:42 pm
by hostaaddict
Very nice Jane and I am glad you got your shed. I have one of those concrete benches just like that. They are virtually indestructible. I have purchased others since then that are made of wood and they are rotting already. Your garden is progressing nicely.

Posted: Sep 11, 2007 8:03 am
by wishiwere
Love the bench and garden, Jane! The tree doesn't that large yet, could you maybe do a bit of raised bed around the egdes? Like a small berm type that you could then plant in? Just a thought. With a soaker you could water it have the plants you want, but not smother the roots around the tree.

Just a thought. It IS a very pretty view! :D

Posted: Sep 11, 2007 11:18 am
by kHT
Wow that is really nice and a beautiful place to sit, too!

Posted: Sep 11, 2007 4:29 pm
by tsneal
Beautiful Jane!!!


Posted: Sep 12, 2007 7:40 pm
by thy
Very nice

What about some gravel and pots.. :wink: