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When do you like to mulch your garden?

Posted: Jun 22, 2008 10:44 am
by Chris_W
I was wondering when people mulch their gardens? And why does that time of year work for you?

We always mulch in late summer/early fall. We do one last really good weeding in the garden and then spread a thin layer of mulch around the garden when we are done. At this time of year I don't worry about covering plants slightly as they will resprout and adjust for next year (making it easier to just throw the mulch around). This time of year I also have a little extra time, a little extra money, and I don't have to worry about the weeding so soon the next spring. :)

Of course, without mulch the weeding would be endless :eek:

So when do you mulch your gardens?


Posted: Jun 22, 2008 11:54 am
by DryGulch
I mulch continuously, whenever free mulch is available!

I usually wait until the ground temp has stabilized for the summer and prefer to mulch after heavy rains.

I mulch my untreated lawn clippings into the garden as well as any non-perennial weeds, plant clippings, and non-seed head weeds.

It's pretty much a "drop 'em where I kill 'em" philosophy.

I garden in sand so to take away anything organic is pretty wasteful, and am constantly scrounging woodchips. I have considered purchase of a paper shredder so I could compost newspaper and junk mail into my garden, rather than for the privacy/security issues.

All my dog's poo is relegated to the large shrubs area in one section of my garden.

I top dress with a "pretty" small nugget purchased mulch in my front yard hosta bed, but that is about it.

Posted: Jun 23, 2008 11:41 am
by kHT
When money allows?? :oops: I perfer to do so in the spring after the plants are divided, moved and the lawn is edged. It also controls the weeds and makes for a lovely yard the whole year. Then in the fall, the pile out back of left over is then used to cover what was not covered for the winter months. Yes you have to be careful not to cover certain things and being careful isn't always done. I know that next year they will come back in full force. I was shocked at how tall the lilies got as I forgot where they were planted. Somethings love the added protection and the moisture that it helps hold in but then there are other plants well, ya win some ya loose some. Mine you we do the full yard on a 4 to 5 year bases, this year it was 16 cu yards and it takes a week to get it all out if one person does it!! :wink:

Posted: Jun 23, 2008 1:45 pm
by caliloo
I mulch whenever I have gotten around to do the weeding and it isn't too hot. That could be anywhere between April and October :roll: :lol:
