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peony question

Posted: May 24, 2009 6:17 pm
by newB

I have two huge peony plants that were amazing, but the last 2 years they seem to be shrinking??? They look healthy just not as large nor as many flowers. Any ideas as to what may be up with them? Also we are moving, what is the best way to move them?


Re: peony question

Posted: May 24, 2009 7:44 pm
by John
Perhaps they just need feeding, like some well-composted manure as a side dressing.

Peonies would rather not be moved, and are fine left in place for 50 years or more!

If you are moving them, though, it is best done in the fall. You may divide them into pieces having 3-5 eyes each.

Remember that they must not be planted too deeply, or they will not bloom: maybe 1" from top to "root" to the surface. One problem to avoid is preparing a new bed thoroughly, planting the peony properly, BUT then the bed settles and the root ends up too deep.

Hope this helps!

Re: peony question

Posted: May 24, 2009 8:38 pm
by caliloo
Along with the planted too deep - have you mulched them and maybe they are too deep from additions of mulch?


Re: peony question

Posted: May 25, 2009 7:29 pm
by newB
I have not moved nor mulched them in the past two years (I am trying to wait as long as possible to move them as I know they do not like to be moved and fall is best) and I am not physically moving anything until I we are moved in so I can be at the house to water and watch everything! so I have not done a thing to them except cut flowers off when they bloomed. Is it possible that I cut too many flowers off? I will fertilize them when I move them, maybe that is the issue. Who knew Peony's were so fussy!

Thanks for the replys! I am sure I would have planted them too deep! I have a bad habit of doing that as I discovered with some of my poor Hosta.

Thanks again any advice is truly appreciated!

Re: peony question

Posted: May 26, 2009 7:43 am
by Annie
How long have they been there? They do outgrow their spots if planted years ago. Then in that case they need to be divided up and they will grow better.