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Mandevillas full of white flies and aphids!!

Posted: Sep 04, 2010 1:35 pm
by greenpassion
My two white parasol mandevillas have white flies and aphids that I can't seem to get rid of. They are potted on my deck, and have been doing great all summer, until now. Their leaves are yellowing and dropping, and dispite my spraying them with orchard spray ( which has always taken care of any pest and disease on all my plants for years) they still look loaded. HELP!!! :eek: :hmm:

Re: Mandevillas full of white flies and aphids!!

Posted: Sep 05, 2010 10:27 am
by viktoria
I generally give up in the end when these pests attack "temperennials". Daily hosings (high pressure) alternating with insecticidal soap spray can keep them in check but even after weeks (or months) of this regimen, the pests return within a week or two when I stop.

Have you tried systemics? Or drenching the soil, from whence the next generation emerges, with MPede or the like?

If you want to spray less often, you can try finding a plastic bag (garbage or leaf bag) that is large enough to cover the entire plant after spraying (to keep the little ba$tards from escaping). Set the pot in one bag so any that drop off the plant are trapped, spray, pull up the bag and cinch around the top of the pot and cover plant with second bag. DO NOT leave in the sun or you will never have to worry about the plant or pests again. An hour later or so remove bags and hose off the plant.

Too much trouble, methinks, which is why I no longer grow brugs, mandevillas, fuchsias and the like.
