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Posted: Jul 07, 2005 10:37 pm
by PeggyB
John you did an excellent job showing the rain on that leaf!
I'm also in love with that Picasso Canna! Will have to try to find one or three of those next year. :)

Black Eyed Susans

Posted: Jul 09, 2005 11:56 am
by oldcoot
These are out in the yard, right in front of my deck....

John that Old Coot

Posted: Jul 11, 2005 6:53 pm
by PeggyB
Hi John, your Rudbeckias are well ahead of mine, they're just starting to bud now. Yours are so pretty, ya just have to smile when you look at them!

O.C. wsas startig to worry.

Posted: Jul 11, 2005 7:58 pm
by oldcoot
His usually bloom a little earlier. His Shastas are almost finished, these started coming on strong last week-end. Hope to getg a better shot of more blooms when it qits raining. We are starting to get a little fall out from Dennis tonight and tomorrow...

Thank you for for likeing my flowers ND my pictures....


Looking pretty today on his deck

Posted: Jul 14, 2005 3:23 pm
by oldcoot
This is a beautiful Green Caladium that was in the replacement box this spring. It has done real well. There is also another Red one in the pot, whose pictures looked ugly, so I plant to reshoot this afternoon. It is surprisingly cool today, a mere 85 with only a 70* humidity. MERCY, so low they arfe not even posting a Heat Index.

That usually Funny and always VERY Friendly Old Coot, named John, REALLY enjoying Summer with all of God's pretty Flowers........and TODAY glowing with pride at the new ones blooming in his yard and on his deck !!!!

Another new bloomer today....

Posted: Jul 14, 2005 3:37 pm
by oldcoot
Who says you can't grow Sunflowers in a container. I guess I should have poosted this elsewhere, but O.C. was on a roll today...Feeling pretty chiper afterhis nap under oxygen.
earlikerf today

O.C. acctually them planted in three pots this spring, but looks like only two pots came up. He usually soaks the seeds in a wet paper towell on a paper plate for several day's (per home depot) but was running late this year bercause of our late cold weather and rain .

Unfortunately NONE he planted in the back of his Daylily bed came up. Thought they would look good in with the Cannas O.C planted there last fall, but they are not very vigerous this year either. Still waitging on them to bloom.The ones on the side of the house have bloomed already and are now dividing themselvers. This year O.C
will leave them alone.

That usually Funny and always VERY Friendly Old Coot, named John, REALLY enjoying Summer with all of God's pretty Flowers........and TODAY glowing with pride at the new ones blooming in his yard and on his deck !!!!

AND Friday's Photos

Posted: Jul 15, 2005 5:09 pm
by oldcoot
After sweating them out all spring , O.C's Elephant Ears decided to grow on up. I guess they finally got the right combination of HEAT and Humidity. O.C missed getting a picture of the prettiest one he has, A yellow one trimmed in red or the other way around, named Lucifer. Heat got it b efore I saw it.Two of my new ones, not yet bloomed are Lucifer's so we can see it then.

O.C. is posting two different red Canna Pictures,one is in the bed with the Picasso, of which there were two and now are four all blooming. I see if I can get that before the bugs do. The other is at the conner of the Garrage in the front yard....

That Friendly Old Coot named John

Posted: Jul 15, 2005 5:12 pm
by wishiwere
Beautiful! And they look so healthy! Hope someone answered your questions on those terrible buggers you got taking over the garden :(

Did find a few Shasta that had not

Posted: Jul 15, 2005 5:46 pm
by oldcoot
Finiishing blooming in the front yard....Also am posting a Picture of the BES bed in the back yard which is now in FULL BLOOM..So much for worry...........

The usually FUNNY and always most FRIENDLY Old Coot named John, a Gardner for the Lord, saying thank YOU LORD for his all good friends that share and for the nice rain that has made all our plants grow so well this year


Posted: Jul 25, 2005 6:20 pm
by oldcoot
This is the prettiest Canna O.C has. Bloomed Sat. Night, but was so hot yesterday O.C. couldn't go out to take it's picture. Got Joy to go out with him early this morning before it got hot and this is what he got. He is supposed to have another one on his deck, maybe he can get a better shot. This Canna is about ten years old and has been moved ALL OVER the yard, and comes back every year. It is a dwarf..It is finally where it will stay, (O.C. thinks)

The usually FUNNY and always most FRIENDLY Old Coot named John, a Gardener for the Lord, saying thank YOU LORD for his good friends that share and for the nice rain that has made all our plants grow so well this year


Posted: Jul 26, 2005 5:23 pm
by oldcoot
Some of you guys in the mid west, and up NAWTH, send this Old Coot named John, some of that COOL weather the WC said you are getting for a coupe of days. WC said we wouldn't get any of it. Heat today was horrible- 102- HI 118. Needless to say there were no BIRDS out and only 1 squirrel and that was at 10:00 this morning. It was so hot, even the sunflowers droops..........John

Purple Cone Flower-Almost

Posted: Jul 31, 2005 12:01 pm
by oldcoot
O.C. says ALMOST, because he had a FIT (literally) trying to get the Color right. This was the best he could do. They came up in a pot on his deck in that awfull heat we had 2 weeks ago (heat now broken and 2" of rain since Friday afternoon). There WERE some daylilies in that pot which came fron the front yard, so they may have been seeds in the dirt. Will take GOOD care of them. They are pretty....

That usually Funny and always VERY Friendly Old Coot, named John, REALLY enjoying Summer with all of God's creatures for him to photograph..

Cannas keep blooming

Posted: Aug 05, 2005 7:04 pm
by oldcoot
One reason O.C. likes Cannas, and most people hate them is that when the first bloom starts it seem to put up another stem, which then blooms and so the cycle repeats itself. The ones in the back yeard at the corner of the deck steps has bloomed three times. This is the third one. The other Canna is on the other end of the same bed. Since they get a lot of shade and only a bit of afternoon sun, they are the last to go. I keep hoping another Yellow one will bloom before they all go Kaput. Phillip, my yard helper today, cut back all the Cannas behind the Air Conditioner Iris bed, and started mulching for the winter. He put a GOOD cover over them.....

Do enjoy

That usually Funny and always VERY Friendly Old Coot, named John, REALLY enjoying Summer with all of God's creatures for him to photograph..

Another beautiful Canna

Posted: Aug 10, 2005 2:39 pm
by oldcoot
This is a new one for him this year. He sure hope it makes it through the winter O.K., cause he WOULD LOVE to get some shoots off of it NEXT year......It is currently planted in a tray on his deck, but WILL be moved to the Yard later this fall. He also thought you might like to see the "fingers" on them before they bloom. Looks like he just might have a few more in a few days. It's getting late in the season, but these WERE planted on his deck the same time in the spring he planted the Liliums.

Please enjoy God's beautiful Cannas

Posted: Aug 10, 2005 2:49 pm
by LucyGoose
Beautiful pictures Coot!! I say every year, that I am going to get me some Canna's.....Last year a friend that works at an appartment complex here, was going to give me some that they had growing at the complex in a big pot. He said they were beautiful and thought of me because they just throw them away. .....he went on vacation, and they already threw them away.... :evil:

I WILL get some next spring!!

Thanks Coot!! :D

Lookie here Lucy

Posted: Aug 10, 2005 2:55 pm
by oldcoot
Look what O.C. found growing on his deck this morning. Best shot I had of the 37 I took of this before I SQUEZZED this putrid one out. This must have purple Coneflower genes. The picture was just as hard to take. Try to do better early in the morning.....Have no idea when it came from. It is in a pot all by its self. Dumb Old Coot thought it WAS an IRIS that didn't bloom this year, and cut the leaves back the first of the month. Should I leave it i the pot for next year or plant it in the yard as soon as possible ?????

Went out to see this sumer flower this morning and THAT is when I found the Pardancanda. Man what a surprise


Note to Lucy

Posted: Aug 18, 2005 5:59 pm
by oldcoot
Next spring when mine first come up, and I divide them, would you like for me to send you some?? Just plant them either in the ground or a big pot, giving them plenty of room, AND WATER. They NEED water. I would imagine you would have to lift them in the fall up you way. O.C. doesn't have to.. Just let me know. Can't promise colors cause they won't have bloomed yet and I don't mark mine WAY TOO MANY.....John, that Old Coot....

Posted: Aug 20, 2005 12:47 am
by LucyGoose
Hi Coot!! Could that Pardancanda have come from me? Did I send you some.....I kinda remember maybe I did.... :roll: ....someone must have or you wouldn't have potted it up....I have shared some of my seedlings, but I forget who all has them....:lol: It sure is pretty, and I can share more if you like....

About the Canna's......sure, I could do a few....not to many....I will do them in a big pot, too.......I have some coming from another friend that works for an apartment complex here and they have orange ones in pots that they just throw out.....He is going to give them to me this fall....I will just put them in the basement.....Thank-You Coot for thinking of me.... :D

Will DO

Posted: Aug 20, 2005 10:54 am
by oldcoot
Mine more than likely will be a pretty shade of red.

As for the pardancanda, you promised me some seed but not these. I think I know swhere it came from now. Last fall I had a strange Iris looking plant plant growing in my old Iris bed ,with an unusual stem - tall, and was getting ready to top them for the fall and saw it had a BUNCH of seeds on it. Not knowing what it was, I cut the seeds off and planterd them in a pot on my container rack. They sprouted this spring (only seeds I planted that did) I spread them out into two trays and set them out in the yard. They held the sun very well and amazed me how well they did. Grew a little but not much. Not that we ARE gertting some rain every now and then they have started growing and showing the Iris loike folliage. I'll get Phillip to set them up in the sun where I can take a picture of them. If you tell me they are Pardancanda seedlungs, I'll plant then individually in my sun bed this fall and see what happens next sprung.The pot I planted the seed in was sitting close to the one it came up in. May have dropped this one in it. If it is, it is sure easy to grow....

Thanks................That OIld Coot named John

Posted: Aug 20, 2005 5:58 pm
by lazygardner
JOhn, Those plants in the very first pic of this topic, have they bloomed yet??? They sure look like toadlilies to me, but I am just dyin' of curiosity! They are the ones you where hoping might be dahlias. I can't picture dahlia foilage in my mind for the life of me.

Also your cannas are just gorgeous. I do have to dig mine up on fall, but I dont know whether or not to divide them. Do they bloom better divided or not? Hmmmm. I don't think I gave mine enough room or water this year, or last year, so they have never bloomed. Do they have to have full, full sun? Would a half a day be okay? Sorry. I guess I am pumping you for your wisdom. I hope you don't mind. :oops: