Salvia "May Night' Dividing question

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Salvia "May Night' Dividing question

Post by Rookie_Green_Thumb »

The first 'round' of blooms on my two Salvia plants just expired, and last night, I cut it back some. It will be a little bit before I get new blooms...and since it is still early in the year, I was wondering if now would be an okay time to divide these two plants? Right now they are all leaves and no blooms, and smaller from the pruning.

Its the second year for them...last year I was a bit dissapointed..they were not very full at all...and the blooms laid on the ground. ( It looked like a lazy plant!LOL) But this year they are doing great, and are nice and full.

I will have to divide them by next spring, as they will be too large for their home.

When would the best time to do this be?

Here's a pic of one in full bloom just for fun! I wish I had gotten a little lower angle on this girl though. She's pretty all the same....

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!