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Yucca Question

Posted: Mar 09, 2008 2:43 pm
by Lionitus
Hi Everyone. I have a question about Yucca. I want Joe to have two of these. He's wanted them for a long time so I'm going to get him two or maybe three of the yucca 'Color Guard' (from Hallsons.) My questions best do I plant them? And.......I'd like to make a little kidney shaped bed just for them so I need plant suggestions to compliment them and for things that need the same growing conditions. I really like the color variations on that yucca but what on earth should go with it? I have no idea. I stink at this kind of thing so any suggestions would be so very much appreciated.

I grow mostly fruits and veggies in rows so I just don't do design. Joe is great at it but I want this to be a surprise for him and I'm going to plant it in one day to surprise him when he gets home.

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Mar 09, 2008 4:21 pm
by kHT
Full sun and raised bed, no wet area. We have many here and they are awesome when they bloom. Enjoy!!

Posted: Mar 09, 2008 6:41 pm
by Chris_W

The variegated Color Guard look great with dark leaf plants such as different Sedum, and the growing conditions are the same - hot and dry.

Color Guard is smaller and a bit slower growing than the regular Yucca, so it is mostly grown for the foliage and not really for flowers. Nice plants though, and we'll include some planting instructions, plus there are some instructions online here.

I've also combined them with silvery plants like lavender, Russian sage, baby's breath and butterfly bushes. Just depends on how much room you have.

Pasque flower (pulsatilla) would be a smaller companion that grows in the same general conditions.

Hope that helps :)


Posted: Mar 09, 2008 11:26 pm
by John
I like to see Yucca planted with the roadside daylilies, Hemerocallis fulva. They work well together, for some reason. Other daylilies would probably require more water, defeating the purpose. I think Rosa rugosa might be nice as well.