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Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 16, 2008 8:53 am
by wishiwere
Well, not really, b/c if it's a host, then I would suppose the host life is lost sustaining the little buggers as they grow are hatch or whatever?

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 16, 2008 11:27 am
by Spider
I would steer more toward thinking those are paracites on a butterfly catterpillar.

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 16, 2008 11:58 am
by wishiwere
UT OH! :o I think we might be wrong about it being a bad one Twink!
This page seems to be the same thing, but you look and tell us for sure.

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 19, 2008 7:39 pm
by Trink
wishiwere wrote:UT OH! :o I think we might be wrong about it being a bad one Twink!
This page seems to be the same thing, but you look and tell us for sure.

But that's the same page you already sent me. That is def. the worm I had. There are NO worms left that I can find on the tomato plants.
Speaking of maters, I've got tons out there but none were ready for picking yet. Last night I was riding by the garden, mowing the lawn and spotted two ready ones. Stopped and picked them and went on my way. Later brought them up to the kitchen and left them on the counter. I ran down to throw some laundry in, came back up and each of my German Shepherds had helped themselves to a tomato!!! I've NEVER known them to eat tomatoes before. Oh well, guess they are good. :???: :???: :???:

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 20, 2008 12:26 pm
by Kas
That is a tomato horn worm and those are parasite eggs. I used to pick the worms off my grandmother's tomato plants. They even smell like a tomato stem!


Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 20, 2008 11:36 pm
by wishiwere
Oh yes! Dogs and cats too (well, one of mine now) love fruit and veggies. Had a dog that used to shuck peas, eat beans and raw taters as well as most fruit. My kitty LOVES maters, pototoes and peas, and many others, as I've said before. Maters are her fav and will follow dh around with his. He eats them like apples! :D

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 28, 2008 8:14 am
by Tundra_Queen
That is a tomato hornworm, which I believe turns into a Luna Moth, I think. You know the pretty big moths.

Those white rice like things are good bugs! I'm trying to remember now, they are living off the body of the tomato worm and will kill it. When they hatch they will lay more of them on other hornworms. So don't kill the ones with the rice on them, they are gonna be dead soon.

Welcome to the Group!! *S*


Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 28, 2008 8:17 am
by Tundra_Queen
ooops.....sorry....i didn't see there was a page 2 before I posted about the tomato worm. LOL

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 28, 2008 1:03 pm
by Kas
No, I looked it up. After having pangs of guilt for all the baby Luna Moths (my favorite) I might have killed I just had to know. Breathing a sigh of relief when I found out it is really a sphinx moth. Whew.


Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 29, 2008 1:27 am
by Tundra_Queen
ahhhh sphinx moth. Well aren't they big too? :lol:

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 29, 2008 7:57 am
by Muffy
We had these in our garden when we were small. All I know is chickens & ducks & geese LOVE them...LOL. Here is a site on them...tells you alot.

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Aug 29, 2008 9:10 am
by wishiwere
Thanks, that was an interesting page!

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Oct 16, 2008 7:20 pm
by LucyGoose
OMG......I am so sorry it has taken me forever to get in here.....Blame Willie... :pumpkin: (love this smilie and now is the time...hehe)

Do know believe that Jane.....she is full of you know what! :lol: :lol:

Welcome to Hallson's!!! :pumpkin:

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Oct 16, 2008 8:04 pm
by wishiwere
Wowzer! You mean, charlie, er..uhm....Willie has had you tied up for 2 months? What a talented little guy...then again, you know that! :D

It's getting cold, the geese are flying south in huge numbers today and brrrrrrrr...I hate winter :( Things are turning yellow and orange, burgandy and brown. The grass is greener which is always pretty in fall, but darn it! My gutters are full already and the leaves are only a 1/4 down. One tree doens't give up the ghost (leaves) till march or april as the new ones are starting out. Hate those type of trees :( All winter, I'll be sweeping them off the front walk with the snow! And off the floor where everyone drags them in, and ut oh! Didn't mean to turn this into a gripe!

Hi LG! :)

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Oct 16, 2008 9:56 pm
by LucyGoose
It's been 2 months?? :o .....Sheesh......I know, I still have tons of threads to look at and read......My back yard is the ugliest ever......and you think I am kidding.....nope.....don't care..... :o .......


and Welcome to your friend..... :cool:

Re: New form of wildlife or alien?

Posted: Oct 16, 2008 11:44 pm
by wishiwere
Thanks sweetie! I'll be on more after the 'crap' falls, but for now, too many things to get down out there! I still haven't cleaned out the veggie garden! :eek: :pumpkin: 's are waiting to be had too! :D