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Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 28, 2013 11:36 am
by Chris_W
I still can't believe I did this, but last night after dusk I went to close up the chickens in the chicken coop, and while doing a head count found that 3 were missing. We have 8 chickens and there were 4 roosting in the coop and I felt into the nesting boxes and there was another one in there. It was dark in the coop, so I couldn't really see inside, and Brian asked me which chicken was in the nesting box. I reached in again to pick it up to bring it into more light and expected it to be one of our white hens, but it was dark colored, so I brought it a little closer to my face and realized it was a freaking Opossum!!! Yes, I was holding the dang thing right in front of my face :lol: Strange, but it was the same weight as a chicken and had the same "feel" to its fur, like soft chicken feathers. Brian came in closer to see which chicken it was and I just calmly told him to get the (blank) out of the way because it was an animal. I walked it outside, dropped it on the ground and it walked away.

Now, Brian hates Opossums, and was completely grossed out that I picked it up. I'm just glad that it didn't bite me!

Of course, this meant we were actually missing 4 chickens, but we found them outside roosting in a tree and they wouldn't come down. I'm wondering if the Opossum was the reason they wouldn't go in the coop.

I guess I'm just glad that it let me carry it out, because I don't know how else we would have gotten it out of the coop :D

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 28, 2013 11:44 am
by Tigger

If you cook it, does it taste like chicken?

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 28, 2013 1:18 pm
by Carol O
I've had an oppossum eat one of our chickens once, so the 4 in the tree were wise.

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 28, 2013 4:44 pm
by Chris_W
This afternoon the chickens were making some noise (we let them stay out through the day) and that darn animal was back in the coop, waiting for the chickens to lay some more eggs I'm sure, and if there weren't any eggs it might have decided chicken sounded good instead. I gave it a chance last night, but I couldn't let it go again now that it is going back in there, so took care of it. Sorry David, but I'm not going to try eating it. I'll eat rabbit, but I'm going to pass on Opossum.

Ugh, it was even uglier in the light, and now I REALLY can't believe I picked that thing up! :wow:

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 28, 2013 4:45 pm
by Chris_W
Carol O wrote:I've had an oppossum eat one of our chickens once, so the 4 in the tree were wise.
I agree. If I had done a head count and they had all been inside I would have locked up that opossum right in there with the chickens :eek:

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 28, 2013 4:53 pm
by Tigger

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 29, 2013 2:55 pm
by ogrefcf
Great story! Glad ya didn't get bit. Those things can be nasty.

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Mar 30, 2013 11:24 pm
by pauhaus
OMG Chris! You are so lucky you didn't get bit. I think I would have peed myself when I found out what I was holding. :eek:

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Apr 04, 2013 5:41 pm
by Bob Scott
Chris, I've live trapped the same possum in the same trap multiple times. Even within 15 mins of the last time. It's almost impossible to discourage them once they find a food source.
If you aren't willing to "dispatch" it the best thing to do is take it more then a couple of miles away. On the other side of a river or busy highway if possible.
As slow witted as they are they've been around for eons so they are survivors.

Re: Oops - Picked up Opossum last night

Posted: Apr 10, 2013 9:58 pm
by party_music50
LOL!!! Good one! I love that you had to bring it up close to your face... Reminds me of the time I almost grabbed the "cat" to bring it in after darkness (it was actually a skunk, but I couldn't see it well enough. :)

I don't know how opossum tastes, but I can tell you that it makes a *great* winter coat!!! :O)