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secret daylily trade --WHAT DID YOU GET?

Posted: Aug 23, 2005 7:10 pm
by notmartha


Posted: Aug 25, 2005 11:28 am
by AmeliaC
Our Postmaster (Sandy) called this morning and said I had live
plants, so I drove to the post office and opened my package.
Inside was a letter from my secret trader along with these daylilies that we have been wanting for a long time now. They are:
Prairie Blue Eyes
Ed Murray
Siloam Merle Kent

She even went shopping to find something that wasn't already on our list. I want to say a big Thanks a Bunch to Alexa (caliloo). And a extra thanks for host Rock Princess. That will keep Bobby busy for a while tonight.
:lol: :lol:
Take care and God bless you
Amelia C

Posted: Aug 25, 2005 12:27 pm
by caliloo
Oh thank goodness!

Did they arrive in okay shape? I have felt so bad for not knowing that I packed them incorrectly and have been really worried that they might not have arrived alive. If any of them look like they won't make it - PLEASE let me know! I can send another division right away!

I'm glad you are happy with the varieties - it was a fun challenge trying to find ones that were not on your list!

And you are most very welcome!


Posted: Aug 25, 2005 7:11 pm
by Patrushka
I went out for lunch today with my Red Hat Society group and shopping after for school supplies, etc. When I got home there was a package from Kent waiting for me. Yippee!!! :D

Kent enclosed a nice letter complete with pics of the daylilies he sent. I received Druid's Chant, Night Embers and Darla Anita. :cool: :D They are all beautiful! :cool: Thank you so much, Kent. :D I love those ruffles! 8-) Night Embers is my first double. :)

Posted: Aug 25, 2005 7:39 pm
by bobbo
Did they arrive in okay shape?
Well I think they are okay, here they are at almost the end of the trip. I will leave them potted for a little bit but they will sink their roots in the Kentucky soil soon. :D

I got to do this when I got home, Amelia was so happy and excited! I was too.

Thanks Caliloo! :D

Posted: Aug 25, 2005 9:23 pm
by notmartha
I got a box today from John and he sent a bunch!!!

Idas Magic
Countless Carrots
Pandora's box
Prarie Blue Eyes
Night Beacon
and Im not sure that these are spelled right-JOHN Help!

Nocododes pansy(Nacogoches?)

Thanks for a great BIG bunch of daylilies John!
They are all planted now in their new spots and are looking like the trip was a piece of cake!!
Im looking :D !

Posted: Aug 26, 2005 11:11 am
by John
Hi notmartha! Glad the daylilies made it safely and in good condition. I've always packaged them that way and hesitate to I am relieved they are okay!

Countess Carrots--got that one just for the name, but it is a cool daylily as well. Mateus-- like the wine, great color. Dumortieri-- a species daylily, this will be the first to bloom very early, has golden flowers with dark chocolate markings on the reverse. And Nacogdoches Pansy-- I had to look up that spelling myself-- it is an interesting combination of yellow and burgundy.

Hope they all do well for you and that you enjoy growing them. Fun trying to find some you did not already have on your list.


Posted: Aug 26, 2005 4:26 pm
by caliloo
OMG! OMG! OMG! - LucyGoose totally rocks (as my 7 yo would say) :D

This lovely lady sent the most generous trade you can imagine. But I am going to rename her - she is now "Sly Boots" in my book. I had PM'd her mentioning that I was going shopping to try to find some daylilies that my "tradee" didn't already have, and she suggested I might post a list of the ones I already have. SHe also chastised me for going shopping right before he trade! :lol: :lol: :lol: Sly Boots that she is!

Without further ado, I received:

Daring Deception (which is on my watch list on ebay, I guess I can cancel the "watch" now :lol: )
Little Grapette
Little CHipper Red
Lexington Ave
Red Ribbons
Storm of the Century

and the most adorable plant marker as a "pressie". Little does LG know this will NEVER see the garden.... I have a "leaf theme" master bathroom and he will be displayed in there to make me smile several times a day. I will post pictures of him (he is hysterically funny) as soon as I have the living babies attended too.

LG you are a wonderful trader and I really can't thank you enough for the marvelous box of surprises!

I will be posting pictures as soon as I can....


Posted: Aug 26, 2005 4:29 pm
by LucyGoose

Posted: Aug 26, 2005 6:24 pm
by Kent

Glad to hear your plants made it Ok and you like them, hope they grow well for you!!!!


Posted: Aug 26, 2005 10:32 pm
by John
Received a splendid package today from Bobbo-- all the daylilies are new too my garden; had a good time just now looking them up. Somehow Bobby knew I love the really dark ones, and he sent me two black purples:

'Jamaican Midnight' and
'Strutter's Ball', as well as a really cool double purple:
'Brent Gabriel'

A perfect companion to these will be the rosy, green-throated:
'Hush Little Baby'.

And one more, which must be yellow judging by its name, but I cannot find a photo on the web:

'Balls of Lightning'. Anyone have a picture?

Bobbo, thank you-- they all look good and will be welcome additions to the garden. I look forward to enjoying blooms next season.


Posted: Aug 27, 2005 12:23 am
by bobbo
Good to hear I picked both a good color and some new ones for you John. :D
Balls of Lightning is a Joiner 28x5 MLRe Yellow Self, Amelia says it is beautiful. It was from our clubs recent sale and they had a pic but I don't remember looking at it. We got a few at the end that didn't sell and all the leftovers were donated to the Louisville Zoo.

This has been fun!

Posted: Aug 27, 2005 11:02 am
by Jamie
I recieved a box full of awesome daylilies from AmeliaC and everyone was new. She was so generous and sent me 5 new daylilies to add with the growing collection here. They all look great and were packed nice and snug in the box.. Thanks so much AmeliaC you just made my weekend.

She sent
'Jamaican Midnight'
'Strutter's Ball'
'Brent Gabriel'
'Royal Heritage'
'Hush Little Baby'

Posted: Aug 27, 2005 12:45 pm
by LucyGoose
Oh man....Reading you guy's posts is killing me....:lol: My mailman just left and no box yet.... :evil: :lol: I don't get home till 7pm on monday, and I hope mine is here when I get home.....

Lucy, the big kid......waiting...... :lol:

Posted: Aug 27, 2005 3:42 pm
by notmartha


so you may get 2 boxes-you lucky dog! :wink:

Posted: Aug 29, 2005 12:08 pm
by bobbo
Got mine from Patrushka, all new for me. Spiffy, Chicago Weathermaster,Thornbird,Cinnamon Roll. They look great I will get them in water in a bit. Thanks Pat! Oh yeah she even included the nicest labels for them. :D

Posted: Aug 29, 2005 8:43 pm
by LucyGoose
Wow, looks good, Bobbo! :D

nothing here yet for Lucy.... and I thought Pat was always the latest.....:lol: Just kidding ya Pat! :lol:

Posted: Aug 29, 2005 11:27 pm
by Patrushka
You're welcome, Bobbo! :D I'm glad they arrived in good shape and that they are all new to you.

Chicago Weathermaster was new for me this year so I haven't seen it bloom yet. There were two separate pieces so I thought I would share. The others were some of my selections from my first visits to local daylily farm. I hope they all grow well for you. :D

LucyGoose, :P ... :lol:

Posted: Aug 30, 2005 12:51 pm
by LucyGoose
ImageIt's Here, It's Here!! Image

Good thing I was home, cause we had a different mail lady than the one I just told last week NOT to put boxes on my front steps..... :evil:

Jamie sent me.....
Grape Magic
Give Me Eight
Lavender Blue Baby

Jamie, Jamie, I LOVE that LBB!! I looked them up and I really love them both! GME is really cool, too! Durn Tinkers site is down, so I just did a Google....Very Cool!!

Thank-You Jamie!!.....I'll let ya know how little Lavender Blue Baby does.....Thanks again! :D

Thanks Dori for organizing this trade! :D

Posted: Aug 30, 2005 8:26 pm
by Kent
I got my secret trade yesterday from Dori. Part of it is still a secret as Dori sent me a ton of daylilies but...............she did shuch a good job keeping the plants damp that all the plant markers ran and I can't read what the lilies are :o :o

I think I got Destine to See, Domonic, Lavender Doll, Malaysian...., Prairie Blue Eyes, B....., and I can't figure out the rest.

Thank you Dori, these are all new to me except Destine to See which I'll share with a close friend.


Oh and I love blueberries!