
Discuss Japanese gardens, bonsai, and other related topics.

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Location: Wombourne, Wolverhampton. UK


Post by Colin »

It is so cold at the moment so much for spring!! I'm a bit concerned that plants that are starting to bud might get burnt by the cold or if we have any more snow damaged under the weight. I have various new plants that I'm holding off planting till this cold snap warms up :frosty: I have attached 2 pictures of a shrub I picked up from a local garden centre. When I bought it it was very bushy, the pictures show it after I have removed most of the foliage ready to create a bonsai. I'm not quite sure what it is probably a birch or beech. I fond it shoved up a corner and paid £3 for it. Initially Iw as going to create a split trunk design but it ended up like a catapult so I removed one of the trunks which I then Jinned. I'm going to leave it for a while to recuperate before I decide on the final design. I wiil post more pictures as it progresses.
This is before I removed one of the trunks
This is before I removed one of the trunks
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George Nesfield
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Post by George Nesfield »

hi colin,
It's hard to tell from the photo's what kind of plant it is.
If you are just into bonsai take a trip round to your local B&Q they have some really nice Zelkovas for £4.99 it is the cheapest I have ever seen them they are about 8 to 10 inches tall and the trunks are about 1" in diameter I bought 4 at that price you cannot go wrong.
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Joined: Jan 27, 2006 9:54 am
Location: Wombourne, Wolverhampton. UK

Post by Colin »

I have 4 bonsai at the moment, it was originally 8 but during a house move they got badly damaged and they didnt recover. I have a japanese needle pine, from nursery stock, an oak which I grew from an acorn its nearly a foot tall now, the one in the pictures which I'm pretty sure is a Beech, and a ficus in doors bought from Homebase for £6. I think I'll take a trip to B&Q but all the Bonsai that I've bought in the past tend not to survive. If I buy any I'll probably plant them out in training pots for a while to see how they go. I'll have to loan the digital camera from work and take some pictures. I have an Acer in the garden which is looking promising but I dont want to remove it from its position as its just started to look the part draped over a stone in front of a lantern. Decisions, Decisions!!
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"
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