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Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 05, 2008 11:59 am
by JaneG
We love winter squash, like acorn and butternut. So this year I also grew spaghetti squash. They did well and now I have a bunch of them in the garden, they started out green and then turned yellow. Does yellow mean they're done? Are they ready to use? It seems early. With other winter squash I can leave them in the garden until well into fall. What about these?

I've done some googling and they say harvest when yellow, but not much else. But if you have any real experience to share, let me know.


Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 05, 2008 1:50 pm
by Chris_W
Hi Jane,

We grew butternut squash this year, and one of them had turned that tan color really early on, plus was very large, so we decided to give it a try two weeks ago. At first I was skeptical because I always thought you had to wait until the vines started to die back, but no, it was perfectly ripe, and perfectly delicious :D

So if yours have turned yellow, give it a try!

Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 05, 2008 11:57 pm
by eastwood2007
I love spaghetti squash! And it is soooo expensive to buy in the store.

I tried growing it a few years ago, but we get squash bugs so bad that it was a lost cause.

I hoped the guineas would help with that, but I hear they don't eat squash bugs. Rats! :evil:

Good luck with yours, Jane! Sounds like they are ripe to me!

Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 06, 2008 9:29 pm
by JaneG
Thanks for the replies. Chris, I'm like you and felt as if I should be waiting, but I'll go ahead a give one a try!

And yes, we have butternut too, and they look ready! Those will become bisque.


Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 1:25 pm
by JaneG
Oh My Goodness . . . I LOVE Spaghetti Squash!!!!!! :D

So this weekend I went out and got one from the still-muddy garden. Washed off all the mud and worms that stuck to the bottom. Then brought it in the house and had DH cut it in half for me. Baked it according to Emeril's directions :lol: (I always check the food network website when I have cooking questions). And it was SO GOOD!!! (I never had it before) I served turkey meatballs in roasted tomatoes and peppers on the side. DH put the roasted tomato sauce on his squash, but I ate mine with just a little olive oil and garlic. It was SO SO SO good. I think I have another new favorite food!!

So I guess in answer to my question, when they turn pretty much solid yellow, they are ready. There are maybe six more out in the garden, we'll be having these once a week for a while!! And it makes a lot, I have leftovers!!! Yeah!! :D :D :D

Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 1:45 pm
by Annie
I have never eaten squash. What does it taste like? It always looks good on TV, but I have never seen anyone cook it before LOL.

Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 2:50 pm
by JaneG
:lol: Annie!

What about other squashes? We eat a lot of acorn squash and butternut squash. It was just the spaghetti squash that was new to me.

The spaghetti squashed scooped out in strings like spaghetti, but had a little bit more "crunch" to it than regular spaghetti. Crunch isn't really the right word, but it wasn't totally soft like pasta. Hubby said it was like pasta cooked 'al dente'. It didn't have a strong flavor, but rather a mild squashy flavor. Not really sure how to describe it.

You'll have to try it for yourself. If for no other reason than it's a fun thing to cook because of how it shreds into spaghetti strands. :lol:

Re: Spaghetti Squash

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 2:55 pm
by Annie
Zucchini is squash right? :lol:
Thats the only kind I have ever eaten. Shoot I wouldn't even know how to cook the other kinds!

Betty Crocker I'm not :lol: :lol: