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2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 16, 2009 11:21 pm
by kHT
Has anyone started planning yet? We have been looking for seeds and just got the Senaca Chief Corn, hard to find. We have tomatoes and radishes on order so far.

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 17, 2009 12:39 am
by JaneG
Good Grief!!! My veggie garden is under 8" of snow and still has all the limbs piled up from the fall and early winter storms! It's not even up to zero degrees out there yet! Haven't begun to think about the veggie garden at all!! :roll:

However, I still have a few winter squash, spaghetti squash and butternut squash, from last summers garden in the garage. We had a spaghetti squash last week. It's nice to get a little feel of the summer garden by still enjoying those. And of course there's roasted tomato sauce in the freezer.

But Karma, I'm not at all surprised that you are already planning your vegetable garden . . . you got a couple extra "organization" and "energy" genes in you!!! :lol: (Maybe that's where mine ended up, because mine seem to be missing!!) :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 17, 2009 10:39 am
by govgirl75
Yes, yes, yes, I have started planning my veggie garden. I haven't had a veggie garden in 20 years and am so looking forward to one this year. I don't have the time or facility to start seeds this year but will set that up next year after I retire. :P
I am lucky to live in an area where there are a lot of greenhouses, so I will probably buy pepper and 'mater plants locally. The greenhouses have heirloom, standards and new varieties each year. Any suggestions on what to look for? I would like something tasty for the table and something meaty for canning sauce and diced with spices. Karma, you gave me some ideas earlier and they are in my notepad in my purse so I won't forget!
I am going to try potatoes this year and am considering growing them vertically, either in stacked tires or chicken wire towers. Any advice here? Anyone tried that? Suggestions on long keeping varieties?
I will probably put in some peanuts for fun and okra, which I like to pickle, but really like for the flower.
Any suggestions for a long keeping carrot?
Now I am all wound up. It is still -2 degrees F here, but I am going to have to head to the garden center for a walk around the greenhouse and a stroll through the seed displays. :lol:
I look forward to hear what everyone else is planning for their 2009 veggie garden. Spring is coming!

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 18, 2009 12:59 pm
by kHT
Oh Jane, thank you for the morning chuckle!! I'm the planner of the family and if it's not in the plan it's not going to get done. :blush: As soon as the
cats start coming in we sit down and decide what to order as we are seeing not to many of the local place carry what we want. Ya know the early bird gets
the worm!! LOL The guys are responsible to get the equipment ready to roll and I do the seed ordering. We are slowly thawing out here and our garden has
been covered with the 6 m black plastic since Nov. so another couple month it should be good to go.

govgirl75, glad to hear you are thinking ahead. I ordered the Seneca Chief corn as that is really hard to find. That is the best corn besided Sugar Buns which we tried when Park Seeds stopped carrying the other. I keep telling DH whom is in charge of the corn picking we need to save a couple ears to dry but he keeps forgetting. This year it will get done due to only two places carry this now. The flavor is so good, where as Sugar Buns is a sweeter corn. Over the year we have found Parks Seed is the best place to get out seeds, and they are so reliable plus the best for the price. When we get the list complete I'll post it for those that would like to know what we will be growing. Plus if you have something you would like to recommend, please post as we are always looking for something new to try. This year we are planning on filling the freezer as one never knows what might happen.

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 18, 2009 4:52 pm
by eastwood2007
I've sorta started planning my garden, but I'm not doing as much as most of you are. A couple of places for seed are:

Totally Tomatoes - I bought from them last year. Their prices were very good and their service and selection exceptional. Their website is

Seed Savers Exchange - Was recommended, but I haven't purchased from them yet. - or they will mail you a nice catalog

The tomatoes that I heard several rave about this year are an heirloom called 'Cherokee Purple.' I'm going to try them this year. I always plant 'Celebrity' and 'Early Girl' tomatoes with great success.

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 20, 2009 2:00 pm
by kHT
I'm with eastwood2007, the must grow tomatoe is 'Celebrity!' That has got to be the best out there for sure, plus disease resistant. We grew the Black Russian last year and I'll tell ya folks were unsure of the color. As one person stated, tomatoes should be red!

A friend turned me onto a site, I thought I would try some different varieties of tomatoes. Our seeds arrived today and I'm planning on sending them seeds
so they can share with others. Here is what we ordered:
Liz Birt
Roma Paste
Their Tomatoe Mix
Ester cherry
I think I'm going to have fun growing all of these!

I was also surprised they added Shaman's Blue Corn which is grow for popcorn. Do check out the site.

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Jan 22, 2009 6:57 pm
by newtohosta-no more
My hubby does a veggie garden every year, but he really doesn't start planning until the catalogues start coming. Usually that is sometime in late Feb./early March. He tries and buy most seeds and starter plants locally if possible. Several places carry a variety of corn, bean seeds, etc. We love the white corn...I think the one we grow is Silver Queen. He always grows two different kinds though. He has grow potatoes in the past (not sure what kind) but the flavor and texture is out of this world!! So much better than the ones you buy in the store. We've thought about stacking tires and growing some in there also. Seems like a cool idea. I'll have to pass on those websites to DH, so thanks everyone for the info. :D

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Feb 11, 2009 1:23 pm
by Dusty
Oh Man you guys are scarring me! At this rate I guess my planning is for next year! :LOL: here I thought I was doing good it only being February!

I never even thought of ordering seeds online... but it makes sense... better quality

I'm not a veteran at this.. I decided to start growing my own food because I am corcerned about the need to know how to do it. Plus it taste better., :) I have always grown some sort of food as part of the landscape... blueberries, elderberries, potatoes, jerusalem artichokes.. weird stuff like that, and I'd prefer my veggie garden to be incorporated into my flower garden.. or one of them anyway. That's how I use to grow pot... might work just as well with veggies. Everyone I know who does serious veggie gardens tells me I need my own dedicated veggie garden. Do you all agree?

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Feb 14, 2009 11:39 am
by kHT
Yep, sorry to say as some of us know it's not wise to grow somethings together. Here I have to be extremely careful due to the cousins
and the spread of disease amoungst them. So find a nice sunny spot and give me a shout if you need direction on seeds, we do mainly
Parks Seeds and got some extra tomatoe seeds from

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Feb 19, 2009 8:37 pm
by nanny_56
Yes!!! I buy tomato & sweet pepper plants at a great place nearby so that will come later! We are planning on maybe 5-6 varieties of tomatoes at least. Romas are a must here! But I have my little Crookneck Squash seeds and Poblano Pepper seeds. Have to get some onion and garlic sets too I think. No corn or beans since the deer really like those.

I got some Messenger to experiment with this year too!!

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Feb 25, 2009 11:31 pm
by JaneG
Karma, you cause me more trouble . . . . . :evil: just kidding :D

So after your post, I got to thinking about the veggie garden. I've always done veggies, but DH wants a bigger garden this year so we will be able to freeze/can more. (He's gonna have to splurge on a bigger freezer!)

So anyway . . . I went to the Park Seed website, which is VERY seductive with their descriptions of the varieties. And being a sucker for the soft sell, I ordered enough seeds for the whole neighborhood! The package arrived last week and I'm definitely going to have to increase the size of the garden. I don't start plants indoors, so I ordered short season squash, corn and peppers. The usual early cool crop of lettuces, radishes, carrots, etc. Tomato plants will be purchased locally.

So I'm off to an ambitious start. Check back with me in August . . . It will be 100 degrees and 90% humidity, I will have given up on keeping up with the weeds, the tomatoes and squash will be coming on faster than I can use them, and under my breath I'll be swearing at Karma and promising myself not to put in a garden next year!! Yep, every year it's the same thing, yet every year I keep doing it!! :lol: :lol:

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Feb 26, 2009 11:43 am
by kHT
Jane, Jane, Jane, Jane, you know it's the best way to keep one safe is to grow one's own food and ya know it even tastes better!
With what we see going one, I have friends that have asked me to add more to the garden for them! We had a heck of a time
finding Senaca Chief corn and we are crossing our toes it's the real thing. We will be putting in Corn, green beans, peas, cucs, zucs,
radishes, peppers, egg plant, & up to 9 varieties of tomatoes. We are weighting the Broc and Cauliflower as I would like to grow them
some place other than the garden if I add pumkins or cantaloupe. We have a few other items we are hoping to add but it's due to space

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Feb 26, 2009 6:44 pm
by kHT
You'll can scream at me, I have veggie seedlings in the greenhouse sprouting. I'll be eating corn and tomatoes soon! :wink:

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 02, 2009 4:40 pm
by JaneG
Pouting . . . I'm not coming back to check this forum again! At this rate Karma will be eating sweet corn and fresh tomatoes before I get my patch tilled this spring!!! :roll:

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 03, 2009 12:39 pm
by kHT
Okay, I'll go away!

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 07, 2009 8:11 am
by newtohosta-no more
:lol: :lol: Jane....Karma is just going to have to send you an ear or corn or two to tide you over til your garden starts producing. :lol: :lol:

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 07, 2009 8:24 pm
by kHT
Hey JaneG, I can send you a bag of corn already if you would like it but it's frozen? :lol:

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 08, 2009 10:55 am
by nanny_56
I really wanted to grow some pumpkins and cantaloupe...not enough room. Maybe next year....

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 09, 2009 12:02 am
by JaneG
Thanks for the "peace offering", Karma! :lol: :lol: Be sure to eat all that frozen corn before this year's crop is ready! Else you will run out of room in the freezer.

Re: 2009 Veggie Garden

Posted: Mar 09, 2009 6:15 pm
by kHT
JaneG, we usually do and when I fix the store bought corn all I hear is where is the good stuff? Stop giving away the corn!! Last fall the whole 1/3 of the bottom of the freezer was filled with corn.