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Propagating Black Eyed Susans

Posted: Oct 30, 2005 6:15 pm
by Kas
I have a wonderful seedling that sprung up, but it is growing right next to the driveway and between rocks in my border. I am scared to try to move it next spring. I so don't want to break the root or roots. I have never divided one of these plants and don't know how to do it. I was wondering if it is possible to start one from cuttings. Anyone out there know? Or am I just going to have to risk it next year and dig the silly thing?


Posted: Oct 30, 2005 7:17 pm
by John
These never grow where I put them, but like your volunteer, show up where they choose. I have found that scattering the seed as it ripens will result in some nice plants the following spring. I think they will bloom in their first summer when 'winter-sown' in place like that.

But if you want to move the plant, it should be fine; isn't it almost dormant now?

Hope this helps!
