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Posted: Jun 07, 2006 11:40 pm
by Old earth dog
Fancy word for heart worm. Thunder got his yearly physical yesterday. The vet called today and Thunder has heartworm. That especially sucks because he get Heartguard all year long. Hopefully, it was found fast. I'll be discussing the direction to go tomorrow with the vet.
I went through this about 30yrs ago with Thunder #1. Ironic huh!

Posted: Jun 08, 2006 1:04 am
by Patrushka
:o How could that happen? That's terrible! :( I sure hope it was discovered early. Let us know what happens.

Posted: Jun 08, 2006 7:14 am
by PeggyC
OED, I'm so sorry to hear this! Let us know what you decide... my thoughts are with you and Thunder.

:o OMG! They can still get heartworm when they've been taking Heartguard???

Posted: Jun 08, 2006 7:45 am
by caliloo
Oh no!

I am so sorry to hear this OED! I too want to know how that can happen when Heartguard is being given!

Thoughts and prayers with you -


Posted: Jun 08, 2006 7:57 am
by newtohosta-no more
I'm so sorry to hear this! I sure hope Thunder will be okay.
It sure doesn't give us much confidence in the pet meds we buy when something like this happens. :(

Posted: Jun 08, 2006 8:05 am
by wishiwere
Oh man! I'm so sorry too! How horrible for you both! We know how much you care for him!

Do you mind me asking what his symptoms were. Just assumed protection was 100% :(

Please know he's in my prayers for a quick response to the meds and full recovery! Dang it's so hard when the kids are ill. :(

Posted: Jun 08, 2006 8:20 am
by gljo
Oh my! That is awful news. Keep us up on what your vet has to say and how Thunder will be treated. We'll be thinking of you both. :(


Posted: Jun 08, 2006 11:50 am
by Ginger
OED, sorry to hear that :cry: Hopefully it is early and/or the Heartguard has kept it to a minimum. He is healthy otherwise? Give him a pat for me please, and don't worry! they can do so much more about heartworms now than they could years ago.


Posted: Jun 08, 2006 1:44 pm
by Tracy_Zone5
I'm sorry to hear about Thunder.

One of our dogs had heartworms about 7 years ago and she is fine now. The treatment was very painful for her and a little expensive for us, but worth it. They have been on Heartguard ever since and I assumed they were totally protected.

I hope your dog is in the first stage, when it is fairly easy to treat.


Posted: Jun 08, 2006 6:41 pm
by patsue53
Oh my gosh! You must be devastated! How can that happen when he's on heartguard? That's very scary!

Posted: Jun 09, 2006 2:47 am
by Old earth dog
Well, three things important in this situation.
1st: In looking at my own records, I DID miss three months this winter. Old school of thought is they need the Heart guard only during the summer months in areas of cold winters. I WAS WRONG! :evil: :( :oops:
2nd: The manufacturers of HeartGuard will cover 100% of the bill if the dog get heartworm IF taking their meds 12 months out of the year UNLESS you've bought them online. They wont guarantee their product's shelf life or production dates if bought on line.
3rd: Ask your vet if he will match the online prices. Most will from what I've been discovering talking on a couple of the training forums I visit.
I may be doing it the hard way, but this old dog ain't to old to learn.

Posted: Jun 09, 2006 7:02 am
by wishiwere
Interesting on the online stuff I guess. For one, don't they have 'expiration' dates right on the package and dose it's self?

Keep us up on how he's doing OED. Keeping him in good thoughts til then!

Posted: Jun 09, 2006 8:19 am
by caliloo
Well that is depressing.

I skipped the 3 cold months of heartworm meds this year too - I guess I can only keep my fingers crossed that Diva will test neg next month at her physical.

My vet cautions against using the online sources, he says many of the online companies get their drugs from a plant in Mexico where the guidelines are not as strict. I thought that was a bunch of hooey and an excuse for him to charge more than the online vendors. Maybe there is something to his claim?

I will keep you and Thunder in my thoughts and I hope everything works out well.


Posted: Jun 09, 2006 10:16 am
by Linda P
:eek: I hope they can successfully treat your buddy. I had no idea that they can be infected during the winter months.
Linda P

Posted: Jun 09, 2006 1:26 pm
by patsue53
My vet doesn't prescribe heartworm meds for winter months. :eek: Hugo is just now due for his checkup and I havn't started him on them yet. I think I'll change his checkups to March! :o

Posted: Jun 12, 2006 3:01 am
by Tundra_Queen
OED, I'm so sorry to hear about Thunder! I hope he will be ok. HUGS

Posted: Jun 12, 2006 5:38 am
by outtahand
Really sorry to hear about your boy!
I was reading through the literature that came with my
last package of Heartguard plus, and it mentions a couple
of times about making sure the dog chews the whole
"chewable", not wolf it down. I'm assuming its because
it makes it that much less effective that it wont protect.

The last 4 months, I break it into small pieces, and put it
in their bowl with a small amount of dog food, because my
older one is a gulper when it comes to treats!

Posted: Jun 12, 2006 11:37 pm
by Old earth dog
Thought it was going to be today but the treatment will start tomorrow at 4:30. Two shots. 24hrs apart. They're talking about hot water bottles and meds for pain and swelling. If this was my terriers I wouldn't give it a lot of thought. Neither of those two know what pain means. Thunder yelps when I pull his hair when I'm combing him. :roll:
Keep him quiet for 4 weeks. Fun, fun, fun!
I think I'm gonna be doubling up on my meds before it's all over. :eek: :lol: :lol: :wink:
My dogs will be on heartguard ALL YEAR LONG from here out. I screwd up and it wont happen again!
Jim, good idea about breaking them up. All thre of my dogs bolt it down.

Posted: Jun 13, 2006 8:10 am
by PeggyC
OED, you and Thunder will be in my thoughts today. Such an ordeal for both of you! I know its just like having a child that's very sick... pretty hard on the emotions.

I also want to thank you for all the info with regard to the Heartguard. Ours came off for three months this winter also but never again.

Posted: Jun 13, 2006 10:26 pm
by LucyGoose
OMG Bro!!! I missed this........We too go off during the winter months.....but my sisters vet does not.....well, I think I best keep old Ginger on all year now......oh man, poor baby.....Good luck and I sure hope all goes well.....Love ya!!