Willie update please!

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Willie update please!

Post by Annie »

So how is he doing??? Any more pictures of him?
You gotta post LOL. He is just one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time!
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Post by nanny_56 »

LG, think you picked a winner there and your'e gonna have to share!! :lol: :lol:

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Post by LucyGoose »

Hi Annie!!

Well, I am busy as ever with the little boy! :lol: We are still trying to get Curtis (the cat) and him to meet each other, but Curtis is just freaked out because when Willie sees him, he barks....But last night when we went to bed, I went down stairs and got Curtis to bring him up in the bed with us, because he always slept with us....He was purring like crazy.....I cover the kennel in the kitchen with the pup, but Curtis will not pass by to get to the basement.....he kept us up last night jumping on and off the bed....so I just took him myself to the basement where the litters and his food was.....next thing ya know, he is back in our bed.. :lol: ....so he had to pass by the kennel....I am hoping it will get better soon.....I miss my Curtie.....

Plus I am making it a habit to GO somewhere with Willie each day.....We have been to Petsmart twice......Yesterday was the best as he did not pee.....So today we will go back.....I just love that boy.....I had a lady stop at the front of PetSmart in her car to ask me what he was......He just is sooo pretty....I can't believe I have such a pretty papillon....I just wished I could have got him way younger....But then I think it is so hard to get a well breed pap WITH good looks too, because then they would be show dogs...I was just at the right place at the right time....Thanks God he was an inch too tall....:lol: I love him and just to think he doesn't have his full coat yet....

Thanks for asking Annie......Here are a couple pictures I just took.... :D

edited for spelling
This is in the kitchen.....see to the right of the picture around that corner is where Curtis has to pass......the kennel is on the left...just a corner shows...I bet he RAN past it...LOL
This is in the kitchen.....see to the right of the picture around that corner is where Curtis has to pass......the kennel is on the left...just a corner shows...I bet he RAN past it...LOL
s 010.jpg (62.83 KiB) Viewed 2396 times
I know this is the back of his head, but his markings are so perfect even there....
I know this is the back of his head, but his markings are so perfect even there....
s 012.jpg (61.47 KiB) Viewed 2396 times
I wished his tail was up...its so hairy...LOL
I wished his tail was up...its so hairy...LOL
s 014.jpg (60.29 KiB) Viewed 2396 times
Last edited by LucyGoose on Mar 25, 2007 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PeggyC »

He is SO adorable Kathleen... that sweet face makes me smile everytime! :P
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Post by kHT »

Goose, he is so cute! Curtis will come around, just give them time to know each other.
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Post by LucyGoose »

Thanks you two!! When one of my bosses saw his picture his face has Kathleen all over it....:lol: He did better at Petsmart today....walked around with his tale curled up and prancing until he would see another dog, then he barks at them...and he barks at people, too.....he whines in the kennel, and barks, but I think he is still doing better....like he jumped into the car himself today, and I didn't expect that....So it is beautiful outside so out I go......

Thanks again!! :D
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Post by Justaysam »

Lucy, my Pap is the best watchdog of the three. The Westie is getting old and doesn't care, the boxer, too dumb, IMO anyway, and only barks at his girl friend next door. The pap barks at noises, lets me know when there is a problem with something, kids at the door, people out and about around the house, and such. Pretty pics, Thanks for posting them. I got my little dog so i could take him to the PO and running errands with me too. But with the 3 dogs, I feel kind of bad just taking him, and not all 3.
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Post by Annie »

Hey if Waz can get use to Travis you know Curtis will get use to Willie :lol:

I can't stop looking at his picture, he is just so cute it kills me!
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Post by LucyGoose »

Thanks Annie!

But if you could hear him now when we put him in the kennel you wouldn't think he was so cute.....he has gotten real bad about crying and putting up a big time fuss till he is so worked up.....if he was house trained he would be out of the kennel but man........and now he is barking really bad at everyone and every dog he hears and that is a lot cause we have dogs on my street......So, I tried reading up on the barking in my book Purely Positive Training and....sheesh....I take him somewhere every day......we didn't go to the PetSmart today, but I took him on a long bark....he barks at himself and don't stop till I move him, because he thinks he is going to kill that dog in the glass....:lol:.....That's what I get for getting a 6month old that was never out of the kennel much, I bet.....But he is cute in a lot of ways.......like right now he wants my attention ....:lol: I never thought a dog would keep me out of the forum....:lol:
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Post by Annie »

Hehe puppies ya gotta love em :)

I know it's hard but just ignore him. As soon as he is quiet then take him out let him potty and then let him play.
When he is quiet give him a treat and praise him. Always feed him in the kennel, and I keep lots of toys in the kennel that he can only play with inside it.
Oh and I also cover half of the kennel with something to make it cave like :)

Thats what I have done with my dogs. I always ignore them when they are howling or barking.
Muttly went through that stage, oh my he was loud :lol:
But he rarely does it now. Except when hubby is in the room. He gives him treats when he is loud. He thinks he is hungry or needs attention :roll: I keep telling him don't reward him for barking because it makes it worse!
Ahhh hubby, just don't know how to train him LOL.

:lol: :lol: Yep puppies can keep you pretty busy!
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Post by LucyGoose »

Hi Annie....

I willl try to be quick here as I am half way out the door for work....

I do cover the cage, he still barks FOREVER.....
I do feed in the kennel...
What else.....
He seems to BARK AT THE WORLD..... :evil:
There are lots of toys.....I DO play with him.....run his butt.....

Example......he is barking RIGHT NOW!!! for what???? he saw a man outside just a min ago, so I think he is still barking for that......

RUNNING TO WORK.....:lol:.......

Yes, I do still love him and yes, he is SOMETIMES good...:lol:L
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Post by Annie »

So what do you do when he is barking?

Do you give in when ever when he is barking? Like letting him out or give him a treat? Even once and it will prolong his barking. Because he knows he is getting your attention.
Try giving him his treat or letting him out only when he is quiet. Sometimes you have to be fast about it hehe. Muttly wasn't quiet very often. I know sometimes it is impossible, but try that :)

When Muttly acted up I completly ignore him. I act like I don't even see him. Which is hard to do because he is right here by my computer in the living room LOL.
I feed him on schedule take him out to potty and give him his playtime, which is longer now because he goes outside with the big dogs. Then when I put him back and he started his barking I pretend he isn't even there.
The first few days were awful! He barked and whined nonstop all night :o But I didn't give in, hard as it was.

I'm sorry but I'm sitting here laughing. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a puppy :lol: :lol:

I don't know where they get all the air to keep barking like they do!
It might take longer for you because he is an older pup.
Just think how much this will be all worth it when he is housebroken and QUIET! He will be the best dog in the word :)
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Post by LucyGoose »

Your laughing?? :x .. :roll: .. :lol:

Well, tonight he has been really into this rawhide bone......it sure has made a difference for tonight.....

Thanks Annie....... :D
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Post by Annie »

Yep, I'm laughing hehe :lol:

Told my sis getting a new puppy is like having a baby. You know where your suppose to forget the pain of birth after the fact.

Once the pup is trained you forget all that hassle of housebreaking and crate training and every thing else that puppys do to annoy us :lol:
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Post by LucyGoose »

Well after last night, I don't know if DH is going to put up with too much more....for real....He cried/barked from 2:30am till DH got up at 5am and left fast then I got up at 6am....I one time took him out thinking that MAYBE he had to go, but I did not talk one word to him....he did a tiny pee, and back in the kennel he went......The one I feel sorry for is my Curtie.....Now he knows when he is in the kennel and comes upstairs and he even went into the bathroom with me before I got the dog....Willie KNOWS when he is upstairs too....carries on terrible.....Curtis get back to the basement and then Willie barks at the top of the stairs. The breeder did say that if it doesn't work out, she would take him back....not that I would do that, but man, if he don't get better instead of worse......he barks at anyone while I have him outside on the leash......but walking him around the blocks he don't do that.....Right now he is chewing that same rawhide.....I hope they are alright for him to eat.....when I Googled there is a lot of people that say they are not......

Getting more coffee.........Have a great day everyone!!
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Post by Annie »

I really think it's because he is an older puppy. If you keep doing what your doing I'm betting he will stop the barking.
But it's just what your willing to put up with.

Wilma was like that when I first got her. I did put her kennel on the basement landing. Not all the way in the basement. Theres the door to my basement and a few steps then the landing. Then there are more steps and another door to the actual basement. Thats where I kept Wilma becsause she was "AWFUL!"

But after a while she learned nothing was going to happen when she barked, so she did let up. Thats when I brought her kennel and put it back in the kitchen. She was fine after that.

But I think your going to have a really hard time breaking him of that barking.
So with Travis and Muttly, they were much younger than your dog, so I think thats why they don't bark much anymore in the kennel. Muttly can still put up a racket, but it only lasts a few mins.

You need OED!!!

I hope you can work it out.

Just a thought, have you had him to the vet? I wonder if there is a reason he is barking???
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Post by LucyGoose »

Funny you should mention OED.....I called him on my lunch break at work.....:lol: I might call again in a few days to *tweak* the boy cause I had to cut my talking short because of work....but he gave me a couple things to do.......For all the barking outside, I am to say NO then pick him up by the scruff of the neck and don't put him down till he goes limp.... :o .....:lol: Guess what? I just came home from work and out we went and sure enough the lady across the road pulled up and got out of her car and sure as sh*t, he went all out barking.....I said NO, scooped him up.....and I think he went limp fast....so I set him down, and he barked again but a lot quieter.....I said NO, and he did quit....I laughed to my self....then she was gone and it IS raining right now. so it's not as noisy as on a sunny day......The Bro told me about all that barking in the kennel.....I will have ammo ready to throw at the covered kennel......:lol: I need a sneaky smilie.....Boy, I hope that works and doesn't send him in a frenzy......but I can't wait to set the little man straight....I am sooooo tired today and I am sure DH is too......

Bless your heart Annie for helping.....OED did say I don't have a brittnay anymore....it's like having at terrier....:lol: AND it's been a long time since I had a baby....:lol:

Right now the bugger is eating the rawhide..... :wink:
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Post by Annie »

YEAH OED! I knew he would have some suggestions for ya :)

Welcome to the small dog world :lol:
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Post by LucyGoose »

Annie wrote:YEAH OED! I knew he would have some suggestions for ya :)

Welcome to the small dog world :lol:
Small dog world!! :lol: :lol:
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Post by LucyGoose »

I have to tell you that last night was HEAVEN!! He did start, but he quit, and I got up with DH at 5am, and walked him, then at 5:30 I wanted to go bad to bed.....I put him in the kennel, said QUIET, and left......I am just now getting up and it's almost 8!! I can't believe it.....also, when I walked him just a min ago when I got up the second time the dog down the street was doing his usual barking, Willie started to bark and when I said QUIET in a stern voice he shut up and went and did his busniss......I truly can not believe it worked that fast!!! Today I do not work and he goes for his first check-up and we will see how the day goes........I love my Bro!!!!

Thanks OED!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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