In Memory of Nikki

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In Memory of Nikki

Post by PeggyC »

This was good therapy... we still miss her so much! LG, thanks so much sharing the poem, it describes perfectly how Dale felt about Nikki!

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Post by putnamgardens »

Oh Peggy:
I'm so sorry to read about Nikki. I'm sure she's in hosta heaven now, playing with the other pooches and you'll be reunited again, eventually. I got this hot link from a dog friend of mine and as long as you have speakers, you might enjoy it or hopefully be "good therapy" to view it. I have to have a hanky handy everytime I view it. Please know that it is not my intention to make you sad but to rejoice that you had Nikki to love in the first place. Later, Love, Lisa
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Post by LucyGoose »

Your welcome Peg, for that poem...When I came across it, I too, thought it was perfect for the way I felt about Ginger....I miss and think of Ginger a lot, too....I can't thank you enough for that magnet/picture of her, and I look at her face each day......I remember Nikki when I was there that one she ran behind the horses.....your memorial is beautiful!!!

Lisa, thanks for that site............ :cry: ..........choked me, but man that is beautiful!!
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Post by Linda P »

Peg, that is a beautiful memorial for Nikki. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Linda P
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Post by Libby »

I'm so sorry! Such heart felt words show the magnitude of losing our beloved pets. It's haunting the way you still see them out of the corner of your eye for weeks.
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