Hot Summer Stinky Dog Poo.....

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Hot Summer Stinky Dog Poo.....

Post by JaneG »

We've had several days in the 90s and today the wind was coming from the north, where our immediate neighbors have 2 large dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors, and north of them the same thing, 2 large outdoor dogs.

These dogs are all either fenced or on electronic collars and spend much of their time outdoors. However, I've NEVER seen their owners out there picking up after them. Today my entire back yard stunk like dog poop! Grrrrr I had a tree trimming crew working here today and it was so bad they even mentioned it.

I know it's natural for animals (and humans) to poop, but it's kind of like with kids, you can tolerate your own kids diaper because it's your kid. But everyone else's stinks! :lol:

I've already had to talk to these neighbors about their dogs CONSTANT barking and about a hole in the fence the dog kept trying to get through. For the first year they lived here we couldn't spend any peaceful time in our own yard because if we were out there, the dogs would be barking at us non-stop. That situation is getting a little better, now they yell at the dogs to stop barking and if they won't, they put them in the garage. At least we get some peace.

I have occasionally talked to the wife and she seems very nice, but apparently thinks everyone feels the way she does about her dogs. She has a good heart said they are both rescue dogs and she claims that they are sweet harmless couch potatoes. But one of them acts like he'd like rip us apart if he got out.

I like animals, but I also think their owners should be respectful of others. We have terrific neighbors across the street. They also have 2 large dogs which they exercise and play with every day after work (and have for years). Every weekend they bathe the dogs in the driveway. The dogs stay in the yard and the owners pick up after them. I have no problem with these neighbors and I'm fond of their dogs.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm grouchy from smelling stinky poop all afternoon!! :roll:
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Post by John »

What if... you invited these dog-owners over to your backyard for a BBQ, and let them 'enjoy' their food with the canine aroma wafting over the table...
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Post by wishiwere »

:eek: Isn't there an odor ordinance, or health issue you could check into? We had 2 dogs and our neighbors have all had one or two at a time and no one has ever been that way their animals. Isn't that like cruelty to make them step in daily? I they don't spend time in their own backyard huh?
Jane (from the middle of the Mitten state)
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Post by LucyGoose »

Hi Jane!!

Boy, I don't know what you should do.....We pick up our poop, too....always have.....I am kinda the bolder type to where I might say something loudly... :o ...yep, I yell at the neighbors two doors down dog that just sits at the corner (corner closest to us) and barks this same bark FOREVER!! I get crabbier in my older age....:lol: ....and I just bet I would be yelling something LOUD about the smell, too....Like, Man, I can't take this stench anymore!! or It STINKS out here!! :evil: .....But I know that is NOT the way to do things but I am known to not do the right thing at times! :lol:

I know someone will come to your rescue with better ideas....:lol:

Good Luck!! :D
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Post by nanny_56 »

I feel for you!! Our neighbors at the old house had a chow they kept chained in the same small area in their front yard. They cleaned up but the build up of urine and & such over several years left it smelling awful. We walked in the street going by this house it was so bad, even stunk in the winter!!

They got rid of the dog last summer and they made a sitting area with a arbor swing right in this area!!! We all wondered how they could stand to sit out there!!!! So your neighbors probably wouldn't even notice it from your yard and be wondering what your'e talking about!!

Maybe the board of health or even to the police or whoever does animal control in your area could do something if they are keeping the animals in filthy conditions.

I'm like LG, I am getting grumpier the older I get! I told my husband recently I think I may need anger management classes. I have zero tolerance anymore for stupidity or rudeness.

Good luck!

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Post by eastwood2007 »

Even if the animals aren't in poor conditions, maybe there is a nuisance ordinance or something that it would fall under? I would hate for my neighbors to know I had called you think they would be receptive if you spoke with them first?

We lived in Colorado Springs, Co. for a short time. There they had an ordinance that if the city got 3 complaints on your dogs, you had to get rid of them. If you didn't, they would come get them. They were pretty serious! I just wonder if other cities have ord. that maybe just aren't as well known?
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Post by JaneG »

Thanks for letting me vent.

We live in the county, not in city limits, so the regulations are pretty loose. I doubt there's a nuisance ord, but I should check.

I probably won't say anything to them right now and hopefully the weather will cooperate! :roll: If it gets worse, I'll have to say something.

Like Claudia and LG, I'm getting grumpy in my old age! :lol:
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