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Cats with mats

Posted: Jan 08, 2008 6:40 pm
by fullofit
This means matted, lumpy furballs.

This cat is Rascal, who has been gone for several years. She was a small cat, around the age of 13-15. My son brought her to me after my 3rd marriage. He said Rascal belonged to his dad (whom I had been divorced from for over 20 years), and dad didn't take care of her very well, he left her outside, and forgot to feed her, etc. "Would I please take her?"
She was pathetic, but starved for affection. I couldn't pet her enough, she begged for more, but she was so painful from skin pulled tight with matted, balled furballs, that she would bite me.
Her green eyes are beautiful, and her long yellow fur turned out to be gorgeous.
I called a groomer friend, and she came over and spent tons of time shaving the poor kitty. She also said that Rascal pushed right into the clippers, loving the attention and the release of pulled hair.
Rascal came out looking like a skinny LION, with a ruff around her neck , furry boots, and fluff on the end of her tail.
I laughed so hard, I couldn't stand it. It was a different cat. She lay for hours in the sun, and for a change could get to her skin to groom herself.
Even tho, at first I didn't want to take her because she belonged to my ex, I am so glad I did. Such a precious little gem. Too bad she had such a prior bad life. I only hope the care she got here somehow made up for all of that.

Posted: Jan 08, 2008 6:51 pm
by Spider
I would shave my persian mostly because he wanted to be vigorously scratched on his back and doing so would cause mats. He didn;'t apreciate the process of clipping, but he LOVED the results! He was not difficult to brush out, but he loved being scratched more. :)

Posted: Jan 08, 2008 8:43 pm
by LucyGoose
Bless her heart!!

Posted: Jan 10, 2008 2:58 am
by doublemom2
I'm so glad, I'm sure she is too, that you were willing to take her in and give her a good home. She looks so adorable shaved like that, I bet it actually felt really good to her!


Posted: Jan 10, 2008 7:16 am
by newtohosta-no more
:lol: It DOES look like a little lion! That poor thing...being neglected by your ex. :evil:
Thanks, Char, for giving that precious one a good home. :)

Posted: Jan 10, 2008 4:21 pm
by Lionitus
Oh, God love her. I find that the cats who were once cared for, then abandoned or neglected and found again are so grateful to have caring owners.

Bless you for helping her.


Posted: Jan 10, 2008 8:56 pm
by thy
a little sad lion ...yes

So cute

If she can be trimmed by mashine... you can do everything with her... if you tell her

would love to see a pic of her when she is in her fur and own the area