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Baby Lizzie photos

Posted: Jul 07, 2008 6:53 pm
by doublemom2
Well, Pooka and Chili are definitely growing up! Both are about three times their original weight. Not bad considering Pooka had a foot injury when we got her and Chili went on a hunger/dehydration strike and almost died last fall.

Pooka is very outgoing, loves to eat out of our hands, especially edible flowers. She doesn't like to be held, but she loves to watch things going on around her. She's a little porker:

It's taken me weeks to get a decent photo of our elusive little ChiliBean. S/he's starting to color up quite a bit, makes me wonder if s/he is a male or female. Time will tell...
(pardon the white stuff around her nostrils, we affectionately call that "snalt", it's their way of perspiring and getting rid of excess salt. How is that for Lizard Trivia of the Day?)


Posted: Jul 07, 2008 7:14 pm
by eastwood2007
Awww....glad to see them doing so well!

I hadn't heard about Chili getting so sick!!!! Glad s/he is okay now!

Posted: Jul 07, 2008 7:22 pm
by doublemom2
Thanks eastwood... These guys don't do well with stress and change, and having been shipped from California to the breeder in Washington, then being taken to a reptile convention, then brought home to our house, she just didn't do well. They don't really drink liquid, it all comes from their food. So... no food = dehydration. She went from 13 grams to 10 grams and had to have an emergency fluid injection to keep her alive last October. (That was a fun and expensive emergency exotic vet visit!!!!!!) Now, she weighs in at 30+ grams. She's still very flighty and not very interactive, but hopefully over time she'll settle.


Posted: Jul 08, 2008 8:52 am
by Muffy
Great pics. I never knew they "snalted"...LOL. I have a Bearded Dragon so I know about the not drinking part. She loves to be misted or be in her tub of water...And she also gets hers from her food too.

Posted: Jul 08, 2008 9:24 am
by LucyGoose
Wow!! :P