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So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Jul 31, 2009 8:54 am
by otnorot
NO its not mine.

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Jul 31, 2009 9:53 am
by govgirl75
Poor kitty. :roll:

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Jul 31, 2009 10:03 am
by eastwood2007
What...a...face!!!!!! There's no question what that kitty is thinking!!! :lol:

We have some friends that train their cats from the beginning to have baths. They bathe them monthly, I think. I didn't know you can do that???? :lol:

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Jul 31, 2009 10:07 am
by govgirl75
This is our "squeaky clean" Anne Marie after her shower. It was necessary as she had gotten into something nasty on one of her excursions. We aren't into giving our cats baths because they hate it and it is usually a painful experience for us.

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Jul 31, 2009 3:39 pm
by nanny_56
:lol: picture worth a thousand words!! :lol:

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Jul 31, 2009 7:17 pm
by otnorot
Govgirl OOOOOOOO that poor pussy cat. LOL

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Aug 01, 2009 1:58 pm
by newtohosta-no more
:lol: Honestly...there's not too many things funnier than a wet cat! :lol:
We don't bath our cats regularly either. The outdoors ones get bathed yearly....or as needed. The indoor ones only get bathed if there is a problem they can't take care of themselves.

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Aug 01, 2009 3:14 pm
by Chris_W
Okay, how many of you think that the picture above was completely doctored with photoshop? I'm sorry, but cats just don't show that kind of emotion - plus they are NEVER that calm if they are getting wet. Also, the person in the picture has their hand back further, not really touching the "cat", and the cat is somehow holding itself up on the glass but with its paws curled back?

Still, it is worth a chuckle, even though it doesn't look real to me ;)

Now Govgirls poor cat? Yes, you can see the expression "You got me this time..."

Re: So cats dont like showers.

Posted: Aug 01, 2009 5:10 pm
by Spider
I'm with Chris - it looks doctored. Cutely anyway. But, it is possible to have a tolerant cat. I hosed down a barn cat in MN because it was pretty hot and he was playing with the hose anyway. He wasn't thrilled but he came back to me when I released him. :)