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One Man Show

Posted: Jan 07, 2006 4:43 am
by Zack
Despite all the upsets, I am back to painting the Hosta Show which will open in April at the MAA Gallery. I plan to have the first six paintings finished by Feb. 1. This includes the portrait of GNL, and five paintings of hostas that I call "Sudden Snow". :frosty: My flash of inspiration came after a freak snow storm came and my hostas were still flowering. I'm also working hard to get the web site up and running to debut in late March, just before the show. There will be sketches, watercolors, oils, acrylics, and whatever. The price range will be from $50.00 and up for paintings, prints from $20.00 and up. Hostas are not the biggest thing in the world here, so I will have to add some other Appalachian Landscapes to break even. Anyway this is fun and keeps me busy while I'm trying to live on a "fixed" income.

If anyone out there is interested in getting in on an original piece of hosta art, give me a note. I'm sure that I can create you something.

If all goes well, I would like to have my second, "Hosta Show" at the 2006 Hallsons gathering.


Posted: Jan 23, 2006 8:39 pm
by Wanda
Oh, Glenn, great luck with your show - you are so brave! You must be a bundle of nerves! I had to enter one Arts Council show (since they gave me a scholarship) and I just hated it! It grinds away at your soul when folks who know nothing about art or technique insist upon sharing their views (while wearing a flowered shirt with striped shorts and flip-flops with black dress socks - hehe). Its totally different in my work as a graphic designer...when folks are paying my rate they don’t give me much grief! That is why I work through a talent agency...they sell my skills and I just create the artwork!

And I do so hope we see you again at the ‘06 Hallson event - would just love to see more of your work!
