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How do you know when seed pods are ripe? ...etc.

Posted: Sep 22, 2007 9:45 pm
by Quiet Storm
I have several hostas that have set seed pods for the first time since I've had them, and I've got several questions:
  • How will I know when the pods are ripe? They are all very green now (except Great Expectations, which has mainly white pods), and showing no signs of splitting open (should they?).

    If I just leave the seed pods in place, will the seeds self-sow in my garden? Don't have much room indoors for growing seedlings over the winter (do I even need much space?).

    Could folks share some tips for growing hosta from seed indoors (when one has very limited space), and perhaps post a pic of their set up?

Posted: Sep 22, 2007 9:52 pm
by largosmom
I've been told that the seeds are ripe from 6-8 weeks from the last flower. I'm going with 8 weeks now but haven't opened up my pods yet.


Posted: Sep 23, 2007 9:08 pm
by Quiet Storm
Many of mine are 6-8 weeks past the last flower, so should I break open the pods, or will they open on their own? I did break open one pod, and it was full of small black seeds, lots of them, but I didn't know if they were ripe or viable.

Posted: Sep 23, 2007 9:23 pm
by Justaysam
Ripe pods will start to crack and open up, usually after a few cool nights after they are ripe. If you pick them off too early, your germination rate will go down. I have picked them off, put them into envelopes in the house and they ripen and split on their own. I think they are better if left to do this on their own outside, but sometimes I miss them and they split and spill out the seed.

Posted: Sep 24, 2007 7:15 am
by HostaDesigner
My general rule of thumb is, once one of the lowest pods on the scape split on their own, I harvest the rest of the scape.