HVX and box stores

Discuss Hosta Virus X and share pictures and information on this ever increasing threat to hosta growing.

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HVX and box stores

Post by Pieter »

As some of you will have noticed in my first post on the welcome forum, I have/had an issue with HVX infected root stock I purchased at Costco this year (my Dutch penchant for a bargain got the better of me, but some things are too good to be true, aren't they?).

Once I got a little better handle on how many of this year's purchases had clear signs of infection I contacted Costco by e-mail, but prior to getting a response I returned them to my local Costco store for a refund, which they gave me without any hassles.

I got a response from the plant buyer on the 25th and finally found time this morning to respond. Some of the things he said just begged to be taken to task on. Here's my response and his original e-mail to me and I should add that I while attached about 10 images to my response I will not do so on this post:
Thank you for your response.

Attached are pictures of most of the varieties I purchased that show HVX manifestations. By the time I received the email response the plants had already been returned for a refund to the Richmond store: May23rd.

The HVX problem you have in this year's batch of Hostas is way beyond that 0-5% range you mention though. Just figure what the odds are of one member purchasing 6 different varieties and find 5 out of the 6 being HVX infected, with the 6th one being rather suspect AND have more than one root out of each box show symptoms. With those kinds of odds we should buy a lottery ticket together!

Last year I also purchased some Hostas from Costco and while the 'Patriot' look fine thus far, I'm keeping a close eye on last year's 'Guacamole' and I'm starting to have serious questions about some 4 year old 'Sum & Substance', a variety known to take as long as 7 years to show symptoms.

Your suppliers have a serious problem on their hands and each year they continue to harvest and divide their existing stocks the problem only gets worse. As you know there is no cure for this virus, the only way to eradicate it is to destroy the entire stock, something that would be absolutely devastating to a grower. With the six varieties I have seen it in from your stock that would mean tens of thousands of plants and would potentially put them out of business. HVX is a serious problem in horticulture and getting worse. Close scrutiny and destruction of infected stocks is the only way this will get dealt with and there doesn't appear to be much appetite for such drastic action amongst the growers, the market is too competitive.

Again, thank you for your response. I will make sure all my friends are aware of the dangers of purchasing Hostas from box stores, because the problem is so wide-spread Costco is not the only one to find themselves in this situation unfortunately.

At 07:20 AM 5/25/2006, you wrote:

Good morning Pieter,

We forwarded your email to the appropriate buyer and I have included
excerpts of his response to you below:

We are aware of the Hosta Virus X and have taken steps to prevent it's

Our bulbs do come from Holland Via the United States.

We Purchase Best Grade Hosta from our growers which mean they must meet a 0%
to 5%, Hosta Virus X content.
This is the best in the industry right now that is available. There is no
100% free Guarantee available.

Since this item is imported through the US and then into Canada,
We must have our paperwork in order on where we purchase all our bulbs and
steps taken on disease prevention.
For Canada and the US. (Two customs agencies)

Canada customs has been very strict the past few years and we have had to
have our paper work perfect.
Plus they do inspections on our bulbs and the median(soil) for disease.

US Customs I am certain do the same.

Can the member confirm the item number of the purchase (I believe it is
868915 Assorted Perennials)

Can they provide a picture or better yet return the Hosta to the Richmond
store for refund with instructions to contact myself (Chris Sorgard)
patriot2.jpg (41.66 KiB) Viewed 1889 times
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