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Posted: Jun 02, 2006 9:36 am
by missjane64
Thanks, Joan, for the further confirmation from a fellow NE Ohioan! I "inherited" these hostas when I moved into my house a couple years ago. They are in all of my beds and do look very nice normally. I'm certainly no expert...I don't even know what kind they are! What is this second flush of leaves? Can I cut them all back and expect them to return normally yet this summer?

After reading through this forum, I feel like exploring hostas more thoroughly and learning more about them.

Thanks again!


Posted: Jun 02, 2006 12:42 pm
by newtohosta-no more
I'm by no means an expert either...just an obsessive collector. :lol: The second flush is when the hostas put out new leaves later on in the season. If I see suspicous markings on my hostas it causes me to worry about HVX, but I know to wait if I am unsure to see if the second flush also shows signs. Many times what we see is just the result of a lousy spring with weather that has affected the hostas when they are just emerging and unfurling. This year is the worse I can remember since I started collecting. I've got so many with damaged leaves because of the two frosts we had earlier. I don't know that I would cut them all back, but I wouldn't hesitate to trim back the worse of them.
Maybe Chris will tell us if it's a good idea at this point in time to cut the leaves all the way back?
And I'm glad you're enjoying the forums, Jane. This really is a terrific site and you'll not find more caring and honest nursery owners than Chris and Brian. :D

Posted: Jun 02, 2006 12:53 pm
by missjane64
Thanks, again, Joan! But, in my book, you are an expert! What a list of hostas you have there. :)

By the way, I am in Stow.

NE Ohio

Hosta Virus X status in U.S.

Posted: Jan 29, 2007 11:46 am
by AR
Hosta Virus X is a significant problem across the country. I do know at least in the midwest states this issue is being taken very seriously by the regulatory community-at least on the end of most state agencies. I you would like to express your concern, I would suggest contacting the National Plant Board.
The website address is
Go to "regional boards" and you will see how the country is broken down into regions and you will have an email address available to contact the current head of each regional board.
These are the right people to contact in regards to any plant pest issue in any individual state. They can pass the information on to the individual director of the state in concern or you could get the contact information from them for your director of your state from them. In most states, these issues are regulated by the state dept. of agriculture or the state dept. of natural resources. If you know of a specific store in a specific city in your state, please forward that information on to National Plant Board or the state agency. USDA-APHIS-PPQ is the federal agency which regulates plant pest issues. I do know that many states have brought this issue up to USDA-APHIS and would like to see virus testing requirements on stock before it arrives to this country. State inspectors in most midwest states will require that infected varieties be destroyed if they are found. State inspectors do have the authority to issue destruction orders.

Posted: Jan 29, 2007 7:35 pm
by newtohosta-no more
Thanks for the good information, AR! And welcome to Hallson's! :D

Posted: May 22, 2008 7:48 am
by kitgary
Lowe's seems to have the worst suppliers when it comes to HVX. Last year and the year before I went to many of the Lowe's in Iowa and almost everyone had incredibly virused plants. I spent lots of time talking to managers about HVX and the importance of clean suppliers. I gave them websites for more info and communicated by email and phone with the main office. Lot of good it did!
Is there anything we can do when talking ourselves blue has no effect?

Re: Hosta Virus X epidemic

Posted: Aug 11, 2008 3:27 pm
by hostako
Host virus too on Gold Standard

hoppla, how I post pics?

Re: Hosta Virus X epidemic

Posted: Jul 16, 2013 5:15 pm
by Rennni
Who would like to know how to solve HVX in the Czech Republic .... so read what I got for an answer from State Phytosanitary administration of the Czech Republic :(
"Dobrý den,
z Vámi zaslaných fotografií rostlin rodu Hosta nelze jednoznačně určit, zda se jedná o napadení rostlin hosta virem X (HVX). Rostliny z rodu Hosta nejsou uvedeny v příloze č. 9 vyhlášky, ani nejsou dané zvláštní požadavky, které by měly být u rostliny rodu Hosta splněny. HVX není zařazen mezi karanténní škodlivé organizmy. Pokud SRS narazí v obchodní síti na napadenou rostlinu, může odebrat vzorek a zaslat jej do diagnostické laboratoře na určení škodlivého organizmu, ale v případě, že se diagnostikuje nekaranténní organizmus, zákaz prodeje ani jiná opatření nařízena nebudou."

In the Czech Republic HVX no one cares, here you can sell everything..............we here dustbin, It is sad :eek:

How is it with you in other countries? They may also sell diseased plants?

Re: Hosta Virus X epidemic

Posted: Sep 06, 2020 1:21 pm
by MKEgarden
I had HXV on a years old plant develop this spring. Gold Standard, very infected. Notice significant ink bleed and mottling.