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Damage from stepping on Crown?

Posted: May 22, 2010 9:46 am
by JanC
Hi All. I'm betting I know the answer to this, but thought I'd ask anyway. What would damage from stepping on the crown of an emerging hosta look like? Could it cause mottling that would look similar to Hosta Virus X?

I just bought this house last fall; there are extensive hosta plantings here already -- and I brought quite a few favorites with me. I don't recall seeing any plants that looked unusual in the fall, but it was hectic and I wasn't spending much time in the yard. This spring as I began cleanup in the gardens, I am sure that I stomped a few plants since I didn't know where they were. Now there are two plants, variety unknown (medium sized leaf, chartreuse center with dark green edge) in different places in the garden and both have dark green mottling that looks like posted photos of Virus X. The older leaves are worse, and it is worse at the tips than at the stem end of the leaf.

I hate to throw out two big plants, but am prepared to do so if that's the advice from the group. Your thoughts? Thank you!

Re: Damage from stepping on Crown?

Posted: May 22, 2010 6:07 pm
by steg
If you can get a picture that would be great. I'll try and do the same as I know I have some that were stepped on as they were coming up....