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Posted: Aug 31, 2010 1:30 pm
by bkay2000
I thought this was sunburn. I was surprised to learn that others think it is HVX. I don't know the variety. It's a mini. I have had it for 10 or 12 years. It's source is most likely a box of hosta from Sam's or a pot from Lowe's. I can't blow up the older photo. It doesn't have enough resolution. Would you trash it immediately or wait and see what it looks like in the spring? It is and always has been in a pot.



current image

current image


Spring 09

Re: HVX?

Posted: Aug 31, 2010 2:50 pm
by Chris_W
Hi Bkay,

Welcome to the Hallson Gardens Forums! I wish it was under better circumstances, but we are happy to help you out.

From your pictures I would say that this plant is definitely infected with some kind of virus. The symptoms are noticeable in all of the pictures, very clear in the second one, and present even in your spring photo. It may not be HVX, but it is infected with something viral, and yes, I would trash it.

HVX was first noticed in the mid '80's but wasn't specifically identified until the '90's, however other viruses have been around much longer, such as Arabis Mosaic and Tobacco Rattle. Those other viruses can spread not only mechanically like HVX but also by insects and pollen. Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) is also possible in hostas and often carried by Impatiens. So while the plant may have been quite old doesn't mean it is automatically exempt from the possibility of having a virus as it could have picked it up during that time. I kind of doubt that it has been infected all along, though, as I'm sure you would have been questioning it much earlier. Or maybe you just thought it didn't hold up as well for you in your warmer zone.

So yes, I'm sorry to say that I believe this plant is carrying some kind of virus and I recommend pitching it.



Re: HVX?

Posted: Aug 31, 2010 3:11 pm
by bkay2000
Thanks, trash it is, pot and all.
