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Heuchera colors

Posted: Jun 18, 2006 8:15 am
by Linda P
I don't post over here often, but I do have a pretty fair sized collection of heuchs. A couple of weeks ago, a friend of a friend stopped in to see my garden, and she was so taken with the heuchs. They were new to her, she hadn't seen anything but the older 'coral bells' that most people think of if they know about heuchera at all. I've been thinking about her remark about them. She said, "Oh, how lovely! You have fall colors in your garden all year round with those!". She's right!
I have a row of them along the edge of a part sun bed, and have everything from Peach Melba to Midnight Wine in there, and it does bring those wonderful fall leaf colors into the garden.
Linda P

Posted: Jun 18, 2006 1:29 pm
by renaldo75
Yes it does, Linda!! And I love those deep, luscious purples & silvers too!! Even the newer greens with distinct patterns & variations are :cool: - and some can be plain old green with flowers that are just amazing!! :o :o :cool: I saw one at the Iowa Arboretum several weeks ago that just blew me away!!

Posted: Jun 18, 2006 2:01 pm
by Patrushka
They certainly do bring an array of color to the garden. :cool: I just love them! My first two were just plain green coral bells, one with pink flowers and one with red. I was thrilled when I discovered the ones with gorgeous colors and foliage patterns. 8-)

We need a pic of your heuchera row, Linda.

Posted: Jun 18, 2006 9:23 pm
by newtohosta-no more
Yes, definitely! I 'd love to see a pic of your heuchera row. :)

Posted: Jun 19, 2006 6:51 am
by caliloo
I would love to see your Heuchera row too! I am amazed at the colors and textures available and it is no wonder I have gotten hooked so easily!

They are just gorgeous plants!


Posted: Jun 28, 2006 4:01 pm
by Linda P
Okay, finally, here is a pic. It's a little too bright out today, but I was reminded to snap a picture when we were working out there this morning installing the posts for my new deck. The little things down in front that look like weeds are actually alpine strawberries that I grew from seed this year. I thought it might be kind of :cool: to have them as an edging here, right in front of the deck.
Linda P

Posted: Jun 28, 2006 4:17 pm
by Patrushka
It's beautiful Linda! :cool: So colorful! :D I'm so glad you shared it with us. 8-)

Posted: Jun 28, 2006 6:20 pm
by Dee_dla
Lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! :cool:

I never would have thought those "little things" were weeds, silly! My collection of weeds are BIG! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Jun 29, 2006 8:21 pm
by newtohosta-no more
Love the array of colors in that pic!! I think I'm going to be acquiring more heucheras in the future. :wink:

Posted: Jun 30, 2006 1:16 am
by renaldo75
You definitely need some, Joan!! :P

Nice chorus line, Linda. :cool: Do you have Can Can in there so they can be doing some high kicking?? :wink:

Posted: Jun 30, 2006 8:55 am
by Linda P
Ya know, Reldon, it just might be. I have it somewhere. I don't keep track of the names, but I surely should have.
Linda P

Posted: Jun 30, 2006 12:24 pm
by renaldo75
Yes you should have, Linda!! [Said with a stern look & wagging finger.] :wink:

I gave away a nice one last year that I had lost the tag on. Some heucheras are even harder to distiguish from each other than hostas - so I knew there was no hope. :wink: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Jul 02, 2006 11:19 am
by Linda P
To be perfectly honest, Renaldo, I don't think there's any hope for either of us. :lol:
I have a few that I know the names of, some that still have their tags so I can identify them. The rest are floating in a cloud of obscurity.
Linda P

Posted: Jul 06, 2006 11:05 pm
by michael_QvQ
I agree Linda, heuchs are a must for any garden...and yours are beautiful! :D thanks
Nice flower pics Reldon... good flowers on good foliage is not too far away...

Posted: Jul 08, 2006 9:31 am
by Linda P
I've been longing for a heuch with red flowers on purple silvery foliage, and I saw one at Hornbakers this year. I have one, name lost in the fog of my aging mind...but it's not the best bloomer for me....I need one with those big lush flowers like your pic, Reldon! Anyway, I forgot to go over and pick it up after I was done perusing the rows and rows of hosta offerings, and I don't remember the name of it. It was new to them this year. I hope they still have some when I go back next week!
Linda P

Posted: Jul 08, 2006 10:25 am
by renaldo75
Get 2. :wink:

Posted: Jul 08, 2006 5:13 pm
by Linda P
I'll have to see if I have the $$$$$$$ for one! If DH doesn't come up with my allowance for the week, I'll have to bring along a sandwich for lunch.
I'll see what I can do! :wink: :)
Linda P

Posted: Jul 10, 2006 11:46 pm
by renaldo75
I was just teasin ya, Linda. :wink: I sure don't want you to be eatin butter sandwiches because of me. :oops: