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Heucheras & the Cold Temps

Posted: Apr 21, 2007 10:28 am
by renaldo75
Normally heucheras don't seem to mind cold temps much. The colors actually look better in the fall when the temps began dropping.

But the recent cold snap we had after the warmer early spring temps have really messed up a lot of my heucheras. Some look OK. And others definitely do NOT & still show no signs of looking any better either. And some of the worst looking ones are naturally some of my favorites - Frosted Violet is one. :x

Is it just me or have some of the rest of you have the same problem??

Posted: Apr 21, 2007 10:38 am
by eastwood2007
Mine look pretty bad, too, and I also, was very surprised as they looked better than this after setting under snow for nearly two months. I do now see some new growth coming back in the last few days, but even our trees and things just started showing new growth on Thursday after that freeze we had before Easter. I really wonder how anything is going to do this year. I had one plant that I thought was a Heuchera (I'm still new at these), but just looking at my list it is fringe cups 'Forest Frost' looks dead, really dead. It was really pretty, so I hope it comes out.

The last precip we had was the 2" worth last weekend so I am going to water everything today and I hope it gives them a boost. :cry:

Posted: Apr 21, 2007 10:39 am
by Minnow
It has done just the opposite here! :D Over Easter weekend we had those temps at night in the teens & twenties. :( It slowed them down, but since then they have all taken off. I even have blooms scapes starting on them all over again!

Now the hosta are another story completley. I had so many up & unfurled that it was impossible to protect them all. I have lots of piles of mush that have been trimmed off. They are all starting to put up new growth again. They won't be as big :cry: , but they will recover ! :wink: :D

Posted: Apr 21, 2007 10:48 am
by renaldo75
Thanks, Charla & Beth. Guess it just depends on where you're at. I'm hoping to see some signs of new growth on mine, but it's kind of like watching a pot of water boil. :???: Just about every hosta that I had under a pot has had to be cut back. Finished doing that yesterday. :( It shouldn't affect their overall size too much since I'm basically just cutting off the 1st 2 or 3 leaves. On most, the tips were damaged & they weren't able to unfurl. Others were completely mush. And like Charla noticed with her Stiletto - they didn't seem to mind too much. Just a few outer leaves & they just keep pluggin away.

Posted: Apr 21, 2007 4:22 pm
by nanny_56
My Caramel is looking and little sad. Guardian Angel is just as good as when I planted her!! :P


Posted: Apr 21, 2007 11:24 pm
by eastwood2007
I watered today, after not having any moisture since the 2" we got a week ago. By late afternoon everything was showing new growth that wasn't there when I watered this morning. What a relief! It has been so 'dead' here for the last 2 was kind of eerie. :o Even the leaves that were drooped over on the Heuchera were starting to stand up again, and when they did I could see new leaves coming in underneath. Hang in there! :D

Posted: Apr 22, 2007 9:29 am
by maidofshade
Mine are looking alot worse than when the snow melted. They have lost most of their leaves--but they are almost all coming back from the crowns. I found a few no names that I planted out in late fall ($1.00 each couldn't resist) anyway they were popped out of the ground so I gave them a little compost to reset them. Only lost 2 of those. I also planted out one flat of my seedlings. I had them outside for the last week and got tired of watering them. It has been windy. With the warm 70+ and rain they are looking like they have been there forever. I can't find lime ricky either but it didn't really look very good all last year. I made a couple of cuttings of my favs and can't tell what they are yet. They are still inside so I will take them out and see if they color up outdoors.
One of our dogs killed 3 rabbits this week that somehow got into the chain link fence so maybe that is where the leave went! wascally wabbits :evil:

Posted: Apr 24, 2007 7:27 pm
by Pandora
Some of mine are a little sad, but I see new growth. There's always hope.

Posted: Apr 24, 2007 8:52 pm
by caliloo
All of mine (except Stormy Seas) are looking better than ever. Not sure if it was the 5" of rain last week, followed by snow, or the 80 degrees temps the last few days. Maybe it is the extremes that are making them flourish and show better color than I have ever seen..... I dunno, but they all seem to be doing well here....


Posted: Apr 25, 2007 10:32 am
by renaldo75
I'm still not seeing any signs of new life on the ones that were affected badly here. :???:

Posted: Apr 25, 2007 3:16 pm
by eastwood2007
Same thing here, Renaldo, a number of mine are putting on new leaves, but I saw at least two that look dead...I am still hoping, as everything else is coming back. :roll:

Posted: Apr 25, 2007 9:26 pm
by LucyGoose
:hmm: Mine are looking okay.....I was just looking at some tonight walking the pooch and I see that mine are showing new leaves and looking better than they did.....but then I have a few that look real bad because they need dug up and planted deeper.....most of mine now are my seedling I did with Phyllis's seeds.....I do have some named but now many left....seems they do good for a few years then go ugly....

anyway Reldon.....hope yours get better!!

Posted: Apr 25, 2007 11:39 pm
by tsneal
Mine look terrible too!!! They looked great until the last cold snap...I'm worried for them...even lost one that I'd had a couple of years...I dunno.


Posted: Apr 30, 2007 6:36 pm
by renaldo75
Hang in there, Stephanie - I'm finally seeing some new leaves on some of mine that were affected the worst. I had about given up, but they obviously aren't on the same schedule that I'm on. :wink:

Posted: May 05, 2007 5:24 pm
by Patrushka
I really wasn't sure what happened to some of my heucheras. Most of them were looking good before the frost. After the frost some were just stems poking up from the ground. I didn't know if the frost did it or if it was a rabbit.

Today, I was outside looking at one of the hosta beds. I noticed one of the heucheras was coming along nicely. I looked across the bed to see how Obsidian was doing. All I could see was the tag. All that is left are short stems. :evil: I know it was there yesterday. DH says he saw a big rabbit in that bed this morning. I better go get some Liquid Fence like LucyGoose told me to. :roll:

Posted: May 05, 2007 11:51 pm
by renaldo75
Yep - sure sounds like it!! :???:

Posted: May 08, 2007 11:41 pm
by tsneal
Most are looking pretty good now except seem to be a fair amount smaller. Lost one that I had for a few years..drats!

Hope yours are beautiful!!
