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Need some ideas please

Posted: Feb 27, 2008 1:53 pm
by Ginger
Due to the ice storm we had in OK and the loss of the top of a large part of my trees, I am going to have to redo my hosta beds. I would like to add some perennial grasses to help throw some shade during mid to late afternoon when the sun is the hottest. My bed will have a north/south exposure with a small garden shed on the west side.
My thought is to plant some grasses on the east side of the shed and plant some of my hosta and other types of perennials in front of the grass. So based on this, what type of grass do you recommend? I want something that gets really tall, yet is compact enough to throw filtered shade and I would like some color.


Posted: Feb 27, 2008 2:57 pm
by John
I'd be careful of planting invasive grasses, especially those that run rampant from rhizomes... Sorry I have no suggestions for you. I would recommend using cannas, perhaps, instead! The only grasses I grow near the hostas are the very short black mondo, Ophiopogon. Maybe Pampas grass, Cortaderia, I forgot your zone, that would be for zone 7 and south...

Posted: Feb 27, 2008 3:29 pm
by Ginger
Thanks John. Yes I am in zone 7. I can certainly pot up the grass if it is an invasive type, but I am hoping there is something that will stay in a decent clump, or is fairly easy to manage. I saw some grass in a magazine that is really tall and has a sort of red feather, but I don't know what it is called or if it will grow in my area or if it is invasive.
