Wildlife bog/pond garden questions

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Wildlife bog/pond garden questions

Post by addieotto »

I put in a small (very very small - about the size of a whiskey barrel planter sunk into the ground) bog garden in the spring of this year and I had a tremendous increase in the number of toads in my garden. Since I have loads of hosta - I have slugs and the result was a definite impact on the slug population which was great! It has been really fun to watch the toads and birds attracted to the spot.

I would like to expand this teeny bog garden into a larger natural wildlife area but I'm concerned about mosquitos and general management of the water. Mozzie's are a nightmare in my area and I don't want to contribute to adding more to the backyard. I know that the wildlife that is attracted should counteract the mosquitos produced but is there anything I can do to both encourage frogs, toads etc and still provide reasonable control over the mosquitoes?

And I was anticipating that this would be an electric pump and filter free area with plants providing oxygen. There will be NO fish. Any thoughts on natural bog/ponds without a pump? Will this encourage or discourage the flourish of wildlife?

Sorry for so many questions. The more I think about this, the more questions I come up with... Better now than after I've already installed a mistake I suppose!

Any help at all - even for things I might not have considered - would be greatly appreciated.


PS - the picture is from Longwood Gardens and not my own (sigh!) but always love an opportunity to share a gorgeous plant or flower. I must say that seeing plants like these spurs my interest for certain!! :D
water.JPG (34.16 KiB) Viewed 1725 times
My hosta blog: http://myhostagardens.com