OC 's 07 Perennials

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OC 's 07 Perennials

Post by oldcoot »

Beautiful sunshiny 72 degree weather Saturday so O C went out and made this photo. His Daffodils are up a good 6" which for him is about a month early. He went back and looked at some of the dates from last year and they were from the middle to the end of February...Global Warming ? Sure look that way. Got several large beds coming up in various parts of the yard. Sure hope the tulips have the sense not to come up like they did last year. Most got killed by a late March Freeze.

Should have some pretty pictures for you SOON, weather cooperating. BRING ON SPRING.........OC with a huge smile
Spring 07 Daffodills HRZ.jpg
Spring 07 Daffodills HRZ.jpg (40.27 KiB) Viewed 3234 times
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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Post by Pieter »

Well John, while I have some Daffodils poking their noses through the surface in some #3 pots, what I have planted in the ground have not yet broken surface, but my Snowdrops are well on their way, as you can see.

I also have some Tulips up by about a couple of inches or so, both in the yard, as well as in the #3 pots. We pot up about 30 or so #3 pots in the fall, both for use in our own yard as well as for sale in our spring plant sales we have April and most of May in our carport. At the rate they're popping up though they might all be done flowering by the time the sales roll around :evil: . We're in for a bit of a cold spell for the next week or so -all relative of course, for us that means down to the low to mid 20's F- and hopefully that will smarten them up and hold them back a little.

In addition we also have Primulas in bloom, as well as an unknown Helleborus cultivar! And I've seen the odd Viola as well...
P1050007.jpg (53.65 KiB) Viewed 3219 times

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Post by Nathalie23 »

Nice pictures both of you! :D
Seeing so soon the mother nature awakening afraid me... :eek:

I usually speak french so sorry for my mistakes in english
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More from the yard

Post by oldcoot »

:D :D :D Another beautiful day today, but a lot cooler. Only 50* and we did get a hard freeze last night. OC did find some pretty things he missed Saturday though. Put in two post as they are rather large.

Thank you Lord for the beginning of a new year and more of YOUR glorious beauty.....OC very thankful that Spring is coming, even if slowly.
07 Pink Hyacinth - 01-09-07.jpg
07 Pink Hyacinth - 01-09-07.jpg (48.71 KiB) Viewed 3203 times
07 Daffodills 01-09-07 (2).jpg
07 Daffodills 01-09-07 (2).jpg (38.93 KiB) Viewed 3203 times
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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07 Shasta Daisey Putting out Folliage

Post by oldcoot »

Looks like it is going to be another great year for Shasta Daisey by OC's front sidewalk, With all the Iris coming up out there and he spotted several more new ones putting up leaves this morning, should be a beautiful place for folks to come see him

Bring on Spring.............OC
07 Shasta daiseys 01-09-07.jpg
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Post by LucyGoose »

My Goodness John!! You really are having a early spring!

Thanks for the picture's with the lovely frames!! Did you cut that pink hyacinth and bring it inside? I would have...:lol:
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Thanks Lucy

Post by oldcoot »

Things got back to normal last night temp ion low 20's, but it is 50ish today. Back cold tonight and then a warm up Sunday. It is supposed to be 70* No wonder everyone has colds.

No, I left it outside. Where it is, I would have had to get off my scooter (and I'm not allowed to do that any more) and beside we have had so much rain, it was probably frozen solid anyway.....How is the weather up your way.

Looks we got several good games this week-end. I'm even pulling for the Bears this year. (Panthers didn't even make the playoffs. Had 15 starters on injured reserve including the quarter back at the end of the season. BUt then as we always say. Just wait until next year. We lost so many games, we are pretty high on the draft this year, so maybe can get one of those super running backs.

What did you think of Florida STOMPING the best team in America....JUSTICE... OC glorying in their win. He has Gator Blood, but just a little bit, went there but just one semester and ran out of money (was married to first wife at the time) Came back home where he could get in-state tuition.

Have a nice week-OC
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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Still More Blooms

Post by oldcoot »

Even though it made the upper teens several night the days have warmed back up, so doesn't seem to have hurt these. HAS completely stifled the daffodils..Tulips are showing leaves, but no stems....Few Crocus around.

OC still waiting for warmer weather and them calling for ICE Thursday... No to ICE, YES to BLOOMS.

Right Size now,,,,,,,,,
07 Hyancinths (2).jpg
07 Hyancinths (2).jpg (43.03 KiB) Viewed 3031 times
Last edited by oldcoot on Mar 14, 2007 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pieter »

Well John, out on the left coast things haven't quite progressed that far. While we have been mostly above freezing during the day, we have been dropping to just below freezing overnight for the last week or so.

The first of the spring bulbs up for us are Snowdrops. When I mentioned to my brother that we had some Snowdrops that were earlier and larger than others, he informed me they are in fact two different species. Here they are.....
Galanthus nivalis  or Common Snowdrop
Galanthus nivalis or Common Snowdrop
P1280088.jpg (48.77 KiB) Viewed 3021 times
Galanthus elwesii or Giant Snowdrop
Galanthus elwesii or Giant Snowdrop
P1280083.jpg (51.62 KiB) Viewed 3021 times

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Looks like you have a Good crop going there....

Post by oldcoot »

Always love to see pictures of what other folks do and have..Looking good.........

Come on Spring..............OC impatiently waiting
Last edited by oldcoot on Mar 14, 2007 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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Post by Linda P »

OC, one of the joys of this forum is to see what the weather is doing in other climates. Here in Illinois, we have a layer of ice on the ground topped with snow. We had above normal temps for about 40 days from mid-Dec to mid-Jan. Now we're in the below normal range, and going to stay there for a while, it seems. It's a little warmer today, with a high predicted of around 20. Tomorrow the temps are going to take a nosedive, and we're going to have highs in the single digits..they're predicting a high of 2 for Monday, and lows well below zero. We haven't had a winter with more than one or two days below zero in a long time. I'm just glad of the little snow cover we have, hoping it will protect the garden from the sudden changes.
I'm glad you behaved yourself and stayed on your scooter :D , and also glad that you can go out with your camera and show us what's happening in your yard!
Linda P
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Thanks Linda

Post by oldcoot »

:D :D :D For all your kind words.........OC
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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Post by Midnight Reiter Too »

I can't believe it! We're having the coldest waether this place has seen in ninety some years...no green sprouts in my yard. :(

I love your pictures, guys!
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Oh this wonderful southland

Post by oldcoot »

:D :D With a week of 55-65* weather, things are beginning to show their heads. It's still February and we have two-three weeks to go before OC will be really comfortable. Does look like a great crop of Tulips and the ones planted last year seem to be going to come back another year. Daffodils everywhere. OC may have some more Crocus out by the swamp, but didn't dare go out there. With sun and sw winds it has begun to dry out a LITTLE.

Enjoy what the God Lords is growing for OC....
02-07-07  Daffodills.jpg
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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Post by LucyGoose »

Hi John!!

That is a great shot!! I love the daff's.....so cheerie.....I agree with Linda, on you being good and staying on the scooter....Good Boy!! :lol: We don't want Joy coming at ya!! :wink:

Thanks for sharing as I am in the deep freeze here too..... :x
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No Lucy and neither does OC .

Post by oldcoot »

:D :D :D Because right now he is on her good side. In fact she has lined up a trip through her "Y" group for a one day visit to the SC Botanical Garden Clemson, SC. Hope lots of things there are in bloom. Be by bus and OC can carry his scooter. They are used to that by now.

Here are some of OC 's Hyacinths which the Good Lord is growing for him this year. Tried to post the other day with the daffodils, but was just a bit too large. These were shot with OC's 300 mm Sigma Lens set on Macro. Finally figured out how to work that thing

Enjoy the good Lord's handiwork.....OC
Framed TUlips - 02-07-07 (2).jpg
Framed TUlips - 02-07-07 (2).jpg (33.14 KiB) Viewed 2884 times
Last edited by oldcoot on Mar 14, 2007 12:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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Post by toomanyanimals »

coot, nice pictures.
I have to say though that I'm loving the snow cover we have this year. Last year we had hardly any snow for most of the winter.
I always love it when we get a late snow and the spring flowers are poking up through the snow. Such a good feeling of spring.

As midnight said, we are locked in the grips of old man winter, but that is as it should be.
Feb is winter and I can't think spring is right around the corner.
March isn't winter or spring. I can't bear to think of it as still winter, but there is snow outside so it isn't spring ... so March is all by itselft as a 'Spring is right around the Corner' month. :wink:

Here is the front yard now. I just love it!
Nature's beautiful snow!
Nature's beautiful snow!
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Post by Pieter »

Snowdrops are now going gangbusters. Until I'd taken this close-up of a Snowdrop flower I'd always thought they were completely white. It's wonderful all the silly details one comes across when using the macro feature of one's digital camera, like last year for example I discovered the tip of a Hosta's stigma is kinda furry looking - darned difficult to see with the naked eye.

Early in the day my wife said 'I think we have a Crocus about to open up up front' so I went and had a look but something didn't sound right to me, the bud was too skinny for a Crocus. And sure enough, a couple of hours later the first of our miniature Iris had opened to add some more colour to our frontyard.
Iris reticulata
Iris reticulata
P2100037.jpg (51.74 KiB) Viewed 2852 times
Galanthus elwesii or Giant Snowdrop
Galanthus elwesii or Giant Snowdrop
P2100029.jpg (44.76 KiB) Viewed 2852 times

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Just resized

Post by oldcoot »

A few more from the other day...........
Crocus.jpg (45.29 KiB) Viewed 2824 times
Arum Italicum - 02-07-07.jpg
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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OC pushed the button too soon

Post by oldcoot »

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Grape Hyacinth.jpg
Grape Hyacinth.jpg (42.28 KiB) Viewed 2823 times
There may be snow in the garden, but there will always be eternal springtime in the heart of this old gardner - Saying of Old Coot
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