Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

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Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by jgh »

Idiots without Borders Episode 1 COMING SOON… TO A WALMART NEAR YOU!

Idiot He often recounts an experience from his childhood. His family was visiting relatives on a farm in far northern Minnesota. The bored children got underfoot and were ordered to “take a hike” so the grownups could talk. They took the directive literally and disappeared. After a couple of hours of wandering across field and fence, the kids returned. They were surprised to learn they had wandered into and out of Canada, probably several times.

Idiot He remembers a sense of wonder. How was it possible that the border between nations was something so insubstantial? What seemed on maps to be so important were really just imaginary lines… drawn by men on paper and completely irrelevant to reality. Wars were fought… lives were lost… “possession” established and lost… and it was all just invented! Borders aren’t real…

The Idiots admire the work of Médecins Sans Frontières – Doctors without Borders. Their employees and volunteers recognize how little manmade boundaries count when faced with real things, like love and life and health. They focus on humanity, not politics or government.

The Idiots live largely without borders. They reject any efforts to separate people with lines or labels or definitions. They wander across social and cultural boundaries much like they do country and state lines… recognizing them only as curiosities, not realities… relying on good spirits and good intentions to overcome impediments to human interaction.

And so… they are on the road again… in the belly of the Beast… avoiding the snows of winter in Minnesota… traveling first from family in Minnesota to family in New Mexico and Arizona…


Every region has its charms… but some are harder to love than others. West Texas is singularly unlovely - flat arid expanses, punctuated with oil and gas fields and giant feedlots… the acrid fumes of fossil fuels blend with the sick-sweet emissions from mountains of manure. Most travelers seek only to pass through as quickly as possible.

An Idiot He selfie…



Exhausted after two days and a thousand miles, the Idiots wheeled in to spend the night in the Walmart parking lot in Dumas, Texas, just north of Amarillo. Contrary to humorous suggestions, the name is prounounced “DO-muss”. The next morning, as they drove the streets of what appears to be a dying town… they couldn’t help but think the alternate pronunciation – “Dumb-ass” might be appropriate. Poverty is rampant and formal education brief. It’s the kind of place that blue jeans don’t have designer labels and cowboy hats and boots are not worn for show or post-modern irony.




The Idiots visited the McDonalds for coffee and an internet connection so slow that semaphore flags would have been preferable. Idiot He was snarky in his assessment of Dumas – until Idiot She pointed out one of those little stories that demonstrate the pride and strength of small towns.

Many years past, the local sheriff performed some of his duties on his palomino horse named Sandy. A second sheriff inherited the police horse and continued the tradition. When Sandy became too old for duty, she retired to a pasture on the main street in the heart of town. Sandy was a town favorite, often visited and the frequent recipient of treats from passers-by.

When the old sheriff died, his children inherited his land - with the stipulation that Sandy be allowed to live out her life in her little pasture. As the town grew, the land in question became valuable prime property… but Sandy lived past the age of thirty, and the owners honored their father’s commitment.

After Sandy died, the land was sold to McDonalds… but in respect, the town insisted on a memorial to Sandy. Her well-maintained statue gazes out on all the traffic passing through town. You’ve got to admire small town pride like that!



With a sigh of contentment, Idiot She looks out on the welcoming landscapes of her beloved New Mexico…

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Re: Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by kHT »

Isn't TX a trip and a half? :lol:
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Re: Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by Chris_W »

If episode 1 is coming soon, did I just read episode .5? That means one half in case a Dumas resident is reading.

I was going to ask if someone from Dumas would be a Dumasian, but then thought that might be too insensitive to those from Asia.

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Re: Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by rufie98 »

Great story about borders. Loved hearing about Dumas, Texas and the horse.
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Re: Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by Albert Ross »

Enjoy your trip.
I liked the story of Sandy but given the nature of the product on 'her' property I do hope that is as far as the connection goes.

Duma? Two Cheetah or the Russian parliament.
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Re: Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by Diana »

Goodie, goodie! Reading your adventures as they unfold reminds me of the times I sat next to the radio as a kid listening to each installment of "The Cinnamon Bear", anticipating what would come next. When I see a new entry from the Idiots here on the Garden Bench, I know it will entertaining. You have somehow even made Dumas, TX entertaining. That's Dumazing.

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Re: Idiots without Borders Episode 1 Coming soon...

Post by thy »

Alexander Dumas
If you had just passed by, you may have thought about the horse and may have had some wild ideas abouth a horse in a cowboy town.
Staying there even for a short time gave a true cute story.

Borders.... a big problematic word in Denmark where our sort of republicans got a tricky sort of most votes this summer. Having a lot of political parties one of the supporters are all in for closing our borders for refugees control....

Jim I'm with you, I do not give a nickle about borders and in a lot of ways our border to Germany is one of the most correct since it is a voted for border.

When I go to Germany on a shopping / have a nice day trip I can easily cross the border 4 or 6 times without thinking... just following my nose.

We do not have a real border control no more and I do not wish to be in lines for hours if I go a Saturday or an other buzzy day.
They think they can stop imigration... LOL they ought to have forgotten how much we smuggled when there were border control... with a coastline like the one in Greek or New Newfoundland... it is impossible and that's great :D

Looking forward to read your log book.... do you call it log book, the one the ships have ?
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