Anyone want a puppy or two?

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Anyone want a puppy or two?

Post by Ginger »

I took off of work last week to just lounge around and have a bit of vacation before we get really busy at work. On the second day of this mini vacation DH left for work and about 15 minutes later came pulling back up in the driveway. I thought he forgot something, but NO, he pulls out two little male puppies about 10-12 weeks old :eek: He said they were running down the road and two cars in front of him had to swerve to miss them. He is as soft hearted as I so we now have two little puppies that we have to find a home for. I am not going to deal with 5 dogs :o
They seem to be a mix of boxer and some type of terrier but I am not sure. I will get a pic posted and maybe you can help me tell. They are both cute and cuddly and want to chew up everything! Temper is cautious with them, Doc HATES them, he snaps at them everytime they get even a little bit close to him, but Copper is in love! She want sto play with them so bad but she hurts them so I have to supervise :lol:

I will get a pic up and then I just know all of you will fight over who gets who! They have been temporaily named Stan and Ollie!

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Post by JaneG »

I hate to hear of people throwing out animals like trash. Have you checked around to see if they belong to anyone in the area where he found them? Also let Animal Control know in case anyone reports them missing.

They sound darling, can't wait to see the pics.
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Old earth dog
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Post by Old earth dog »

Got to amny here now! :lol:
"Look like Boxer x terrier". Could be pit or pit mix. Great dogs!
Looking forward to pics.
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Post by LucyGoose »

Oh man.......yeah, look around first.....I hate when people don't spay/nuder and then they run and get hooked and then here are these pups that they don't want and then they dump them..... :evil: I am just assuming....

No pup for me, either....I need real small the next time around anyway.....I will be looking forward to pictures of them.... :D
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Post by Ginger »

Well I got some pics last night, but forgot to bring the camera with me today :oops: so I will try to remember to do it tomorrow.

They have entirely different colorations from each other, but they do seem to be from the same litter. We did check for any signs posted about missing puppies, but we live about 7 miles from the smallest little town, and 17 miles from the city, so it is unlikely anyone "lost" them out there. We have no animal control,so no help there. The free to live centers won't take them most of the time, so either we find them a home, or we are stuck with five dogs. Geez...

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Post by patsue53 »

Poor babies!! Good for your DH for saving them from injury or death. :)

I can't wait to see pictures. One Boxer is all the dog I can handle though.
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Post by PeggyC »

Oh, the poor puppies! I'm SO glad that you took them in and hope you find a good home for them soon. And yep, it is too bad I live so far from you... :( I probably would have taken one.
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